The Door: Quest in Order; Chapter ??–‘America, The Beautiful’ (The first 10 days)

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan



The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel

Jojo Dancer

Senior Swankypants

The Witch Dr.

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)

The Socialite

The Masons of Historic Columbus

Brandon Mohr and State St. Tattoo

Aaron & Nicole

The Americans 3

(And the countless others along the way)

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Wednesday, July 12, 2012. Time….Delirious.

Wow! What a time, folks. I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to sit down and type something out. Even as I sit and write now I am not entirely certain that I am going to do the whole experience justice. There have been so many moments, so many people and so many experiences along the way already. I have been trying to capture them the best that I can.

(But more on that later…)

The first thing I would like you to take notice of is the ‘Shout-Outs’ section. I have changed it just slightly. I have decided that for the purposes of the trip I will give the ‘Shout-Outs’ to those who have influenced the trip in some way. Now, though I am writing this on the 12, it is only covering the first 10 days. So…if you do not see yourself listed, fear not…you will in 8 more days.

(…or so…)

The next thing I would like you to make note of is what I just said – Unlike previous WTML posts, these ‘BIG’ posts will cover 10 day periods of the trip as opposed to a 7 day week.

Now on with the story telling ----

I have had problems with this as I have mulled it over on my travels. I see 3 ways to tell the tale.

There is the ‘Straight up Summary'.’ This would sort of be a play by play of who, what, when, where, etc..

Then there is ‘The Story in my Head.’ This is a Novel type version of the story. As I have traveled I have found myself referencing/comparing to certain experiences – There have been many Nautical references – which inevitably led to a Star Fleet reference – and there has been a very Pioneer/old west theme alive along the way. Even the Gypsies, or snake oil salesmen, have reared their heads a bit. It has been a very interesting tale developing within, but I do not think now is the time to share it.

Then there is the practical end of things – The Project itself.

(Remember, Welcome to my Life is a project…)

Since I started talking about The Quest there have been many questions from many people. Mostly concerning whether or not I was sure this was something I was supposed to do and how I was so certain. I never had too much of an answer for these challenges. The reason for that is…Life is Experiential. I can describe it to you and take you through the process and 14 years of learning and study…and it will mean absolutely nothing to you. However, I believe, if you can watch it sort of unfold before you, you may catch on to what I have been ‘preaching’ for so many years. So…there is ‘The Analysis.’

But, I suppose, what you are all really waiting for is the ‘Play-By-Play’

For a lot of you this might start with  - Why am I taking the trip in the first place. This is almost as difficult to answer or explain as how I know it is what I need to do. The truth is I was not entirely certain what the purpose of the trip was when I left.

(Not all answers are given when the question is asked…)

In fact, I am still not entirely certain – though I better understanding.

Again., if you are not already aware, it is important to mark this in your mental notes as a ‘Spiritual Quest.’ That may bring any number of images or thoughts to your minds. but, for me, it is simply, I prayed and asked the questions and this trip was the answer I received. From there it didn’t really matter to me what the ‘purpose’ of the trip was – only that I took it.

I have been sent on these little quests before – hurled here and there across the map – and I can honestly say that I have never been disappointed in the results or the experience.

As I have trekked about during this journey so far, little by little, it has revealed itself to me.

(But only bits and pieces…)

 I think the first purpose of the trip was to get back in touch with myself and in tune with the Universe that lives. It’s amazing to me how far ‘off-course’ we can become and never even take notice because we are so busy living and doing and getting and having and fighting and proving and debating and protesting and worrying and planning and….

(Well, you get the point…)

For years I have ‘preached’ and tried to practice certain Principles in life. The most familiar of these is – Ask & Ye Shall Receive. Others include - Do Not Worry About Tomorrow For Tomorrow Will Take Care of Itself; Stay in The Moment; Believe; What You Put Out, Returns and so on and so on.

This trip has really brought many of these to the surface for me and challenged my commitment to them. Already in my travels I have come down to the almost no resources and questioned and calculated how I would make it work and get to the next ‘port.’ And after all that time and energy spent it seems all I had to do was drive to the next destination and the rest just naturally took care of itself.

The next purpose that seemed to have made itself known was to ‘Capture America'.’ It is such a beautiful country – rich in history and culture. The people are fascinating, the towns so entrancing. The countryside is picturesque and the cities shine bright on any horizon.

But there is another side to America that is so very real – there is depression and struggle and strife and worry and heartache. More and more in every town I pass through I am seeing an America that has ‘Closed Permanently.’

(Thank you for our patronage…)

So, I believe part of why I am out here is to Re-Discover America, for myself and for you, that we may all once more experience ‘America, The Beautiful.’

There is a Theme of ‘Hope’ developing along the way. So…I ‘Hope’ that if we can all see America through different eyes once more – through a more real, person-to-person experience – we may all find ‘Hope’ for a brighter future.

And, of course, there is ‘The Project'.’ There are things to demonstrate and to share. ‘The Wheel of Life’ works and it has been the perfect compass for this trip thus far.

But there is more. There are things that have been alluded to but unfathomable in the present moment. But as the Principal goes – Only Time Will Tell.

(Anything is possible…and nothing is as it seems…)

That is what I know of my purpose currently.

(Out to spread ‘The Good Word’)

But, anyway…

Now before we embark I must come back to ‘The Spiritual Quest’ part of our Journey. You may call it what you like – God, The Goddess, Wankantanka, Brahman, Allah, The Universe…Physics – but there is, without any doubt in my mind, a Spirit, an energy or force, that lives within and flows through everything. It is this ‘Phe-Nom-E-Non’ that is in control of my Journey. I know this, because I have given it control. That is, after all, the point to a Spiritual Quest. It is designed to take yourself out of the Mundane course of living and open you to The Power of The All (Mighty.)

After many hours of preparation, I departed from Geistopia about an hour and a half after the originally ‘scheduled’ time. The fist leg of this journey seemed endless. It felt as if everything was moving so slowly.

It was during this time that I could feel myself adjusting to the path that would lie ahead. I was clearing doubts and thoughts and meditating and gaining understanding. Totems and Spirits and Guides made themselves very apparent along the way.

I still have not had time to sit down and put them in their place and see what medicines and lessons they carry, but I will share this with you – So far it seems Lion is running the show and there are several others from ‘The Pole’ that I am at least aware of – Dragonfly, Wolf, Groundhog, Buffalo…and so on.

Nonetheless, My first stop was an unscheduled one – but a learning one. I found myself in Chambersburg, PA. I was fascinated by the fountain in town and decided that I wanted some pictures of it. This, so I would realize, was part of what I needed to understand along the way. I must be willing to just stop and take pictures – or whatever – when inspired. This journey, like all journeys, is not as much about reaching the destination but the path of discovery that leads to it.

I enjoyed Chambersburg. I learned a few things I didn’t know. In fact, I learned a lot that I didn’t know. It was the first stop on the journey that screamed, “I have SO MUCH HISTORY!” From there I made my way along the road and over the Alleghany Mountains. As I crested the top I would realize that I would soon have to make my second stop – also unscheduled.

I made it to the top of the mountain and looked down to find the ‘Service Engine Soon’ light had come on. I found a place to pull off the road and give everything a rest. I was tense and worried and concerned. This is not what you want so early on in a cross country drive.

I struggled at first with the panic and the worry. Was this a sign of things to come?

I chose not to worry about it. As I said, I pulled over and just waited. I took the time to just film and blog and chill. I’m not sure what the purpose of that exercise was. Perhaps it was to test my Faith in the process and in The Powers That Be. Perhaps it was to remind me to not push too hard through this Journey, to give myself time to rest and recharge – to ‘service’ my ‘engine’ if you will. Perhaps, it was meant only to stall me long enough to put me where I needed to be – when I needed to be there.

It is here I feel inclined to share Lesson of The Week: 

Accept Everything….Sort Later 

I think this is important anytime we are doing, or pursuing, something in life. But, it seems even more important on a Quest such as this. The moment you put something out into the Universe, The Phe-Nom-E-Non immediately begins to put it together to send back to you. This is, after all, my main guiding Principle in life – Ask & Ye Shall Receive. The more open you are to this, the quicker and more abundantly things will return to you.

This can be overwhelming. The simple fact of the matter is that when this begins to happen we do not generally have enough information to analyze and categorize what we receive back. There is even a strange occurrence where we may seem to receive contradicting or opposing information. The best thing to do is just accept it all, make note of it and when the time is right sit down and look at all the pieces together.

My first official destination was Geistown, PA – which I mistakenly took for Geist-Town when I first stumbled upon it so many years ago. Sadly…it is Geis-Town. My plan was to just breeze through Geistown, only to say that I was there. However, my distractions and diversions along the way would put me into town late enough that it was time to find a place to bed down for the night.

But you see, it would turn out that Geistown itself would be a distraction and a diversion. It was Geistown that would lead me to Johnstown, PA. And, it is Johnstown that begins to paint the picture of The Quest for me.

In Johnstown, I once again discovered so many fascinating stories and remnants of an America past. Johnstown, you see, has survived a number of very incredible floods – 3, I believe. It was part of the Steel Revolution. It was part of the Heart of America in it’s day.

In Johnstown there is an Inclined Plane. This was a huge elevator type mechanism up the side of the mountain. Originally used by the Steel companies for moving employees to and from the workplace/their homes it inevitably became the thing that would save so many in later floods.

I could have spent so much more time there than I did. And, I would find along my way that that would be the case of every town in which I would stop. So much history – so many wonderful people to know and places to see.

Johnstown inspired me.

From Johnstown I made my way to Indiana, PA. This was meant to be another fly-by stop. It turned out to be another overnighter. In Indiana I picked up more history. I also managed to work a few jobs to hopefully make some money (which I need to get to correcting soon.) I also met an extraordinary woman.

I was sitting at breakfast one morning and struck up a conversation with the woman at the booth behind me. We talked about my journey and life in general. I am not sure what it was, but something must have moved her. When she was about ready to leave I excused myself to the restroom. I returned and she was gone. I set in to working on pictures and posts and whatnots. I was at it for several minutes when I noticed something green beneath my arm. I was confused at first, for I had no cash on me when I entered the building. It seems this very generous soul left me $9.

(Isn’t that an interesting number?)

Indiana would be the gateway to my July 4th festivities. I had never once planned on doing much driving on the holiday. Just not a headache I need. LOL. Nonetheless, I inquired about fireworks in Indiana and I was pointed in the direction of Ford City, PA and their Heritage Days Celebration. This was a most excellent time.

It was here I got to take my first ‘Labyrinth Walk.’

(And it revealed some interesting ideas…)

When the fireworks were over it was time to press onward. I made my way North towards Slippery Rock and Grove City, PA. This would turn out to be just an overnight stay. But there was more to it than that as well. While in Grove City I found an ad on Craigslist for someone to do some light housecleaning. I tried to contact the gentleman to set things up. At first, it was unsuccessful. But, that would soon turn around.

The town he was from was just off the highway and just before the Ohio border. I had already accepted some work in the Youngstown area for the following day, which was Friday. So, I had already planned on spending the night in the general vicinity of the work.

I pulled my car off the Highway as I approached Sharon, PA and tried to contact the gentleman once more. This time there was success. However, it would turn out to be much more than I had anticipated. He was not quite ready to deal with people at that point in the day and needed some time to get himself together. Fair enough.

5 1/2 hours later (almost 6) he would meet up with me. Only, now he didn’t want cleaning done, he wanted to rip out some carpet in his home. He is a man living on disability and has some trouble getting certain things done and this is what he wished help with…so I helped him. What I thought was going to be a quick, few hour, cleaning job turned out to be an 8 1/2 hour project. It required me to stay in town one more night and to meet up with him the next day.

The next day he also asked if I would mow his back lawn. I did all of this. He paid me in some cash, and some cigarettes and some water and some food and some of this and some of that. If nothing else, I can look back and find that this delay kept me from sleeping in an area that would not have been good to sleep in. Apparently, Youngstown, OH is not the best of cities.

The gentleman and I settled up and I moved on my way – a new friend made.

I performed my 2 jobs in Youngstown and headed onwards.

By the way – those two jobs afforded me 2 showers which was most excellent after the heat wave.

Next, I would find myself bedding down for the night in Salem, OH. This was chosen because of its accommodations and it’s proximity to a stop that had actually been on the original itinerary – Hanoverton, OH.

Of course, there would be so much more to this town as well. My first goal in town was to locate a Laundromat and perhaps freshen everything up. Again- the heat wave. LOL. This was an interesting experiment and caught on video. So I will not tell the story now but allow you to experience it for yourself.

The whole intent to the experiment was to allow this Phe-Nom-E-Non to lead me to where I wanted to go – sans GPS or asking directions or anything of the sort. I wanted to just open up to The Powers that be and be led. The question is – was I?

The answer will have to wait for the video.

Nonetheless, I did make my way there in the morning and set in to laundering and also organizing Dreamcatcher, The Covered Wagon, The Magic Bus.

It has been given many names along the way.

Soon I was engaged in a conversation with a wonderful person. His name was Chris and it would turn out that he was not from Salem…but from Hanoverton. he works in the Steel Mill. He seemed fairly simple and I do not mean this as any kind of judgment or condescending statement. I do not mean that he was a simpleton, only that it seemed for him life was life and there wasn’t much more to it.

He works in the Steel Mill. He has a girlfriend of 3 years who ‘hints’ at the next step. He was raised in Hanoverton and can see himself staying settled there for his life. Well…’Ain’t That America.’

We talked for some time and I had hoped he would take me up on my offer to meet up at The Spread Eagle Tavern later in the day. Sadly, he did not. But he did leave me with something.

Here’s what I will always remember most about Chris – He talked about his job. He said it was ok. Not bad. Not great. But he went on to say that every day he watches those steel beams leave the facility – whether by train or by trailer – and he often sits in awe thinking about how those steel beams will go on to be a part of something. He said that he gets a good feeling when he thinks about how he had something to do with that.

I thought this was fantastic. So often we take so much for granted. And here, here was this very plain and ordinary gentleman who could take the time every day to be touched and inspired by his own work. He could see the bigger picture and that no matter what else, ultimately, he is a part of something bigger.

But I skip something. On my first Journey through town, the night I arrived, I had been led to the most interesting place – a tattoo shop.

Now many may question the rationale of this – but the rules of the quest are the rules of the quest. Follow the Flow and see where you go.

I had passed by the shop the first time and liked the sign outside. I thought of taking a picture and then thought I would take it on my walk back to the van. On the walk back I passed y again and again I thought, “Eh, I’ll get it tomorrow.”

Then ‘The Voice’ chimed in – that inner voice of knowing and knowledge.

“I think you should turn around.”

[Sigh.] So, I turned around. I looked at the art in the window and for a moment began to reach for the door. Again, I decided that whatever it was could wait another day.

“I really think you should go inside.”

[Sigh. FINE.]

I went in and looked around for a little while. I engaged the owner/artist and I just kind of grooved. I couldn’t imagine that I was actually here for a tattoo. However, I agreed to return tomorrow.

(Accept everything…sort later…)

I did eventually return to the shop and just kind of hung out for a while…and I did finally accept that a tattoo was exactly why I was there. But there would be more..and perhaps still more in the future.

I explained what I was doing – questing cross country – and they agreed to let me video the whole process. Video, again, to come later.

I would return to the shop later that night for the tattoo and the shoot. In the hours in between, I made my way to Hanoverton to do a lil pre-investigative work. I spoke with the Sous Chef at The Spread Eagle and then the Manager and made arrangements to return the next day to do photos and videos and interviews.

The Spread Eagle caught my attention early on for two reasons. One is that it is haunted. The other I will not share at this time.

I would discover the next day that it is not just The Spread Eagle that is haunted but almost every building in the original part of town has Ghost activity. Another town, so rich in history and almost never heard of.

Hanoverton was a big part of The Underground Railroad and many of the homes still have the tunnels and rooms that were used beneath them. There was also a very interesting doctor in town. A doctor, who despite the laws of the times, would perform secret [and illegal] autopsies in a secret room with no doors. He would actually carry the bodies up a ladder to a second floor window of his home and perform them there.

The folks at The Spread Eagle were most accommodating and quite wonderful. I received a full tour of the premises. I was free to take pictures and videos as I pleased and everyone was so pleasant and helpful.  In fact, I had taken a picture of ‘The Zoo Crew’ out near the parking lot. I left Al Gator there and did not realize it until two days later. Fortunately, I was passing through town again…and even more fortunate, Al was right where I had left him. Seen and noticed, but untouched.

There is another story to Hanoverton.

As I made my way around the tavern, snapping pictures and shooting video, I made my way to the front of the building and the main street of the town. There were two young girls on the corner talking to the neighbor man from across the street.

The one engaged me almost immediately. It seems in her little 10 year old heart she longs to be a ghost hunter. The girls continued to talk to me for a very long time, pointing out all of the buildings and ghosts of the town. The gentleman would eventually dismiss himself and leave in his car. I thought this was interesting, that someone could leave two young girls in the company of a stranger in town. But at the same time I was inspired by it. I mean, isn’t that the way life SHOULD be?

Nonetheless, they talked on and on and eventually walked up and down the main road, guiding my tour as I snapped pictures and filmed ‘B’ roll. Soon, there was only one building left – the Old School House about 2 blocks. I asked the young ladies to just point the way and instead they insisted they could walk there with me. Since the one lived right where we were standing I suggested that perhaps she check with her mother before embarking on that journey.

She ran into the house and almost immediately returned announcing that she could go. Again, I found this very odd…but somehow reassuring that humanity is not all lost.

We walked to the School House, the girls chatting and telling me stories all along the way. We even ventured down the road just a bit further to the cemetery. As we made our way back we came upon ‘The Mother’ who was very distraught. Apparently, a few moments after her daughter had left it had sunk in that she had just given her daughter permission to walk off with a complete stranger.

What could have been a very uncomfortable situation for everyone turned out to be a blessing. The mother and I had talked on for quite some time and the trio would eventually sign The Van. I was even invited over for tea when I was finished with my tour of the town.

We looked at this as a very good learning experience for all of us. The young lady was to learn that she should slow down and be sure that her mother fully understands before running off. The Mother would learn to be a little more aware of what her daughter is saying. And for me, well, I realized that no matter how fascinated I was by the seeming laid back attitude of this very small rural town – I should have insisted that the young lady bring her mother to the door to meet me, no matter what she may have said inside.

I enjoyed these three ladies so much. The girls had so much spirit and life in them. So excitable and enthusiastic. The Mother, of course, had her own stories of hardship and strife. I had so wished that I had gifts for them.

When I was finished in town I would not take them up on the offer for tea. I felt I needed to make my way to Columbus – 3 hours away. In hindsight, I would say that I should have gone for the tea, but it worked out anyway.

You see, I knew I was coming back that way, for after Columbus would be Cleveland – not that that order of things ever made sense to me.

While in Hanoverton, Columbus had come up several times and in several odd ways. It was the couple from Columbus that would inevitably convince me that, no matter how little sense the trek made, it was the right thing to do. They even tipped me off to a very spiritual place, which would be the first of its kind for this trip.

On my drive to Columbus I realized that I did have gifts for each of these ladies – but that they were not ready.

Before I left, The ‘Pil-Man’ blessed ne with a very unusual – and magickal – gift. They gave me a staff and a few things to attach to it. The rule was, however, that whatever went on the staff would need to come off when it found it’s owner along the journey. I have since named it, The Staff of Oz – for it gives to people that which they already possess but have not realized.

So, there were gifts for them, but they needed to be prepared and placed on the staff so they could be given out. The Mother received a piece of coal .This may seem like an odd gift, but it was so very appropriate. For coal, becomes diamonds – after much heat and much pressure and much time. So, it was given to The Mother to remind her that she has endured the heat and the pressure and now it was just a matter of time. Also, this piece of coal was very fragile, chipping off here and there throughout the process. yet, that same piece of fragile rock has the potential to become not only one of the toughest materials we know but also one of the most beautiful and priceless.

The girls would receive a joint gift of sorts. One was a necklace and one was a bracelet. Each had on it a piece of Deer Antler. I received these pieces together and realized immediately that they would be given out like this – Both at the same time but to two connected people as opposed to one person. I did not realize that it would come to pass so early in the journey.

However, in order to prepare the gifts, I would learn, I needed to be in sacred space. And, the nearest sacred space was just outside of Columbus at the Newark Earthworks. This was a magnificent point in time for the quest.

Anyway, I made my way back to Hanoverton and waited for The Mother to come home. I talked with the Neighbor man and his father. I learned, yet again, that there is just so much history to every town and so much wonderful spirit and personality in it’s inhabitants.

I missed the young ladies, but the mother and I had a wonderful second conversation and she was touched and moved by the gesture of the gifts.

I think this sums up, fairly well, the events of the first 10 days. And this, would set the stage for what comes next….

I did have a Theme and an Observation for this week and they are documented somewhere, but forgotten in the moment. So, when I uncover them once more, I will share them.

Stay tuned and soon I hope to share the Novel Version of my Journey. In the meantime…

From here across America, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.


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