Catching Up

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan



The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, the Son

The Sitter

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel


Sir Thomas

Jojo Dancer

Mr. NiceGuy

Senior Swankypants


Da Boyz from da Hood

The Witch Dr.

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)

The Socialite


The WhiteGurl

Roxie Heart

Mike the Bartender

The Chosen One

My Promoter and Her Pal

Prince Charming

Sir Patrick Wylde

The City of Hospitality

The Gang at Bean Creek

The Prophet

‘On Main’

Chicago Don

Mr. Indigo

The One Who Was Once ‘The Pan’

The Nervous, But Excited, One

Saint Diane



LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(There are a few of you I just don’t have nicknames for as of yet. Soon. Very soon.)

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Monday, November 11, 2013 Time….Delayed

(Deep Sigh.)


I Hate No One…But Some Folks Just Infuriate The Hell Outta Me


It’s Easier Than We Make It

I would have to say it was a wild week. So intense, in fact, it is hard to remember the beginning of it. The fact that I am several days behind should demonstrate this.

I know I took last Monday to myself. I just kind of relaxed, milled around and chilled out. I know I worked on stuff but I couldn’t tell you what it was.Then the week is kind of a blur for a few days. Somewhere around Thursday or Friday I managed to score some work.

Weekend with the Princesses.

Then a few crazy days. Monday was very much a crafting and painting day. It was right on track. Tuesday got a little off. I don’t know what happened exactly. I know in the afternoon I had a crazy ass Dreamtime Vision. Like..totally crazy. I don’t want to share it really because I feel it was guiding me in a direction and I wish not to upset the balance of things.

(Let’s just say it should be an adventure.)

Throughout the week there were many moments – good moments, bad moments, set-backs and hope-filled moments.

My father and I had a lil bit of a row over his use of the ‘N’ word, in particularly in front of my children. He uses it for everything. The President is one. Every criminal. Anyone that is out of his range of understanding seems to be one.

“That f’n *n*”

That’s how the whole row got started, innocently enough. There was some news report about some professor who thinks the Star-Spangled Banner is too violent in content to be our National Anthem. Now, he’s not the first to point this out. He may be the first to try to change it but he’s not the first to point it out. George Carlin brought it up in a routine in the 90’s.

“It’s the only national anthem with rockets and bombs in the fuckin thing.”

So this guy wants to change. I don’t know that ZI agree with him about changing it. I feel the Star-Spangled Banner truly captures what fighting for and achieving our freedom was like. It takes us there if only for a moment. But, it is definitely violent. My father, obviously, is adamantly opposed.

“God damn, *n*”

So I asked him what he would do if he didn’t have that word to blame the worlds troubles on. The row ensued from there and though it was brief it was intense. At first it was just a lot of arguing. Then as I was leaving the room Sunshine came in and so while walking away I hear him say it again. This time in front of my child. This is something I have addressed, and we have fought about, before. In fact, the whole crew was in on the last one. I don’t want the word used in front of my children, certainly not in a deragatory sense.

Then there was a hope.

Not long ago a friend of mine expressed an interest in opening a meatphysical store. This is something I have looked at for many years. I have most of the information and almost all of the plan. I just could never find the right place to start. Every time I looked at a location it sold soon after. I have not really been able to get anyone else that was seriously interested involved.

So we met and we chatted. Since that time she has expressed concern about parts of the plan. I do not know if that means she will not be interested if they don’t change or how exactly that goes.

I do know that since that conversation a prime retail space is becoming available. Also, I have found 2 other potential partners, one in particular who has a background in the very area of concern.

I like the way I see this plan developing after all these years but it is something we will truly have to move on ASAP. From where I stand it looks like all of the pieces are naturally falling into place.

A change or shift such as this makes sense in this season so we will see what it brings.

The work front has been so very minimal of late. Yet, somehow I seem to be getting by each and every day. The bills that are coming up within the next few days are covered and, for those at the end/beginning of the month, there are funds coming in. I have just a bit of money to carry me through for a few days.

Then what?

Well, my philosophy of late has been to just take each day as it comes. Truly just flying by the seat of my pants. It hasn’t been so bad thus far. Every day things get done. Not always what I set out to do but something gets done nonetheless. The funds are there when I need them and I have not been disappointed or dissatisfied.

So let us see what the near future holds.



Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.

This past weekend the Princesses and I attended a birthday party. At this party I was approached by a gentleman who, for all intents and purposes at this point in time, shall be referred to as 'The Follower. Kinda sounds a bit creepy, but it is accurate. He follows WTML.

Nonetheless, The Follower was a part of a wedding ceremony I performed. Mutual friends. This is how we met. This is how we know each other. I imagine this is how he comes to WTML.

The Follower made two comments that will make their way into Feedback this week. First, he just merely commented that he does watch the videos. I believe he may have even referred to them as my ‘very funny videos.’ Needless to say, I am very grateful. Thank you, good sir, for your interest…and enjoyment. I want people to enjoy them.

He also indicated that his wife is not quite as amused by my brand of humor as he is. I have come to accept this. It’s not for everyone. Plain and simple.

He also brought up the wedding ceremony. It was interesting because this is one of those moments I don’t know exactly how I feel about but at the same time it was what it was and so we move on.

It was nothing bad.

It was just me…being me.

If you know me well enough you know that one of the dangers of associating with, working with, hanging out with…just knowing in general…If I am on a groove, I will ride it. That being said, verily anything can happen. More importantly, almost anything can come out of my mouth. That…switch is off in those moments.

When I am doing my ministry thing, be it ceremonies or readings or healings, I must have a groove. I must connect. I must let go of a certain part of myself so that the greater part of the Universe can take over.

So, anyway, I am standing there listening to the vows. Well, truthfully, half listening, because I am thinking ahead to what comes next and what I need to say and do. And suddenly I hear something about someone being pulled out of a trash can in school. This is how they met.

They finish their vows and all eyes turn back towards me. I paused for just a moment. Quite honestly, it was still processing. I looked up at them and I know I had the most confounded look on my face. I was so intrigued by this. So fascinated. More fascinating was the fact that I had never heard it before.

So, I just looked at them…at him, so captivated by this, and I opened my mouth.

“A trash can?”

I was just so swept away by this fact. LMAO.

I have often looked back at that moment and wondered if this was bad form on my part. I mean these are very special and sacred moments. This there is no denying. Weddings and funerals. However, if there is something I have observed in my ministry is that they need not be somber. They are sacred because they are unique to the couple or individual. They are a commemoration of the spirit/spirits involved. It is a tribute to their be-ing. So, who says a lil fun can’t be had along the way?

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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