Gettin' It?

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan




The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, the Son

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel

Jojo Dancer

Senior Swankypants

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)

The Socialite

Roxie Heart

Prince Charming

Sir Patrick Wylde


The Unnamed One

Saint Diane

The Ziatonic Antagonist



The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Sunday, November 3, 2013. Time….Changing.

What is goin’ on?

It has been a crazy time. I cannot get a grasp of it. And, I think it is that that has made it difficult for me to find words for it. I feel like I’ve been saying that over and over again for several months now. I just can’t find the words for what I am feeling and experiencing.

I can tell you it is good…but that is both an understatement and misleading.

On the surface it seems as though very little has changed. I have a job that sometimes has work and sometimes does not. I expend a lot of energy and focus making ends meet. Though not so much of that lately. Lately, I have been trying to just let things roll and flow on their own.

So far, I have not been disappointed.

Everything has been working itself out – slowly, but surely.

But, on closer inspection, it is the finer details of things lately that have marked and shaped the differences.

I feel better overall. I still have my moments. But, for the most part, I am peaceful and contented. Life is what life is and there’s absolutely nothing that can be done about it. It doesn’t matter what you have done or are dreaming of doing. There is no relevance to the things you are changing and working on. Right now…right this moment…it is what it is what it is what it is. And the only thing that can truly be done is to live through it. We must. To get to the next moment we must always pass through this one.

And, this one is happening. Right here. Right now. There is no turning back and nothing that can be done to change what it is. All that can be done is to live through it. Perhaps in doing so the next moment can be changed before it happens. Because once the moment begins there is no changing it. You can change with it but you can not change the moment itself.

Perhaps that is my Observation of the Week.

It is What It Is so Embrace It and Live

In each moment we have but one, and only one, choice. It is truly the only choice we ever make. We make it over and over and over again – in different ways and under different guises,

Do we embrace the moment, making the most of what it is and has to offer? Or, do we allow the moment to drag us down into a crippling pit of fear, doubt, worry and all things negative?

Embrace it, I say. It is what it is what it is what it is., man.

And, whatever it is, it is perfect.

I have said very often in the past All Things in Good Time.

I think this was Theme of the Week.

I just feel as though I referenced it a lot this past week – not only in how perfectly timed things seemed to happen but also in questioning the timing of things..

As I said, as usual the work/money thing always seems to do it’s own thing and work out in the end. I can cite countless moments demonstrating this over the past week or so, I refer to this area of my life so frequently because, for me, it is the challenging one. It is the issue – be it mine, or someone else’s.

But, anyway…

I found myself looking at the things that are going on around me and within, and I wondered why, Why now? Why this moment? I look around and see me sitting in a place I have long been trying to get to – Things are happening, I am functioning, areas are straightened or getting straightened up.

So why now? What makes now so different than any number of times before? has my will or desire changed that much? Was it that little to begin with? Was there some deeper, unrecognizable emotional change?

Is something in place that wasn’t before? Was something in place that didn’t belong?

Why now?

Why THIS moment?

Was I waiting for some person on the other side of the world, whom I will never meet, to put into motion some course of events that will someday ripple through my life?

The questions are unending. Perhaps this is because the answers are so unknowable. All we will ever truly know, in any given moment, is that it is what it is what it is what it is.

And…it is perfect.

I look around and see things falling into place just as they should.

For the first time, in a very very long time, spaces are organized and functional and productive. There is life coursing through them once more. This has allowed for ‘things’ to get done. With productive space comes productivity. Things arise and are just as quickly resolved.

We are actually ahead of ourselves this year. Usually we are in a scramble to get the holiday season under control. It seems that from the Halloween season to well beyond the New Year there are a bazillion things to do. There’s parades and costumes and candies and parties and gatherings and celebrations and meals and baking and cooking and traveling and shopping and gifting and crafting and making.

And each Holi-Day season is just slightly different, bringing unique moments and needs and experiences. And it all happens in such a whirlwind. Here and then it’s gone for a year.

For the first time in the Princesses lives we are, somewhat, ahead of the game.

Christmas lists are made. Gifts are being worked on. Meals and days are being planned. Activities and traditions are springing forth.

We managed the Halloween Season well. Costumes were gotten in more than enough time to get four uses out of them – 3 parades (one at school) and Trick-or-Treat. Three of those times they had full face make-up as well.

We did the pumpkin patch and corn maze early enough to have pumpkins here and ready to carve.

We managed just enough candy to fill the candy dish. Hopefully, by Christmas it will be gone.

We discovered a recipe that we will use again for the family dinner on Thanksgiving.

This is actually going to be an odd and unique Thanksgiving. Twas a time in Geistopia when all the holidays were celebrated here. This was the place. Family came from far and wide on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve and even Easter. We’ve had meals so large that they took up three rooms to serve them.

As time moved on and lives changed, so did tradition. As the family began to have families of it’s own it became more and more challenging to do things in this way. Not only for the other families who were beginning traditions of their own, but for the house that did all the hosting as well.

So, life changed. Holidays became a rotating thing. From house to house, year to year. I did this for a very short while and then stopped altogether, albeit for Mama and/or the Princesses. I discovered along the way that I prefer my holi-days at home. I don’t need to run around and visit and be crazy. I wouldn’t mind opening my own doors or being visited, but for me it has become a sacred experience to just stay home and revel in the power of the day.

As the Princesses have grown up, when I had them, we would go to these things. On my off years, I wouldn’t. A little over a year ago we began just staying home and doing our own thing and then just kind of popping in at the family’s on the way to take them home.

This year, Big ‘D’ decided she is making Thanksgiving Dinner at home. I think this is a wonderful experience for the girls to have…and help in.

Nonetheless, I digress.

The point being that things are falling into place so perfectly timed. I see it my children’s lives.

As they grow and evolve my life has slowly evolved with them becoming Just Enough to humor and satisfy. Though my finances have not changed vastly I have noticed that just as my daughters have reached the point when it’s ‘more’ – do more, have more, experience more – there has been more. I have tried to manage it wisely and fairly (which are not always the same thing.) We have accomplished more in a more timely fashion.

As they reach the point in their lives when they are becoming more creatively expressive they suddenly have the space, tools and resources available to them to do so.

And, if it is so perfectly timed in that regards then it only stands to reason that it has been perfectly timed all along.

It is what it is so embrace it and live.

Sometimes this is hard to remember. For instance, when you are running your youngest child to the ER because she fell and cracked her head open on the corner of an end table.

Yup. That happened to me this week. Little Miss Sunshine just doesn’t know how to stay on her feet. I suppose, in this regard she truly is a dancer. The best dancers I have known were exquisitely graceful onstage and completely unable to walk across a room. As the old Techie saying goes, “Place a chalk line on the floor and a stagehand will step over it. Put that same chalk line on the floor and a dancer will trip over it.”

So, anyway, that was how we spent our Friday night.

This brought about no dance class for either child on Saturday morning which afforded us the opportunity to do our early Christmasing and late crafting. It was a successful weekend overall. So, somehow, The trip to the ER was perfectly timed. And, I handled it as such.

It was what it was.

Now, I will say, thank T.O.T.S. that my sister lives under the same roof because I am great in response…terrible in treatment. I responded immediately. I swooped the child up and into the kitchen and applied a damp paper towel and pressure to the wound. I had it under control. But, man, when it was time to assess the damage I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t look. I needed someone else to look for me and let me know just what I was in for. Once it was determined that it was not horrific I was on the ball again running to and fro, gathering gauze and bandages and what-nots to get us to the hospital.

I, of course, lectured her first because she is always running and dancing and skipping completely unaware of her surroundings and I am forever warning her that this is just the kind of thing that could happen.

Then I comforted her as she confessed she was embarrassed to be seen like that. Leave it to Neener. The child has a slight gash in her head and blood is running freely…and she is concerned about the way she looks. I’m fairly certain that at some point in the evening I hear her ask if her hair was ok.

But she was fine. We talked all the way over to the hospital. While we waited we sang Christmas songs and even made up some of our own. She was cognizant and coherent. No problems. no issues.

Thank T.O.T.S.

Overall. I feel confident and strong in my life at the moment. Things are moving and happening and shaping.

The magick is back.

It is what I have been chasing for so many years and now, finally, here it is. Things are not exactly as I had dreamed or hoped or envisioned. Certainly a lot lonelier. But I am here. I am to where I was going all along.

Now I am just looking to balance it all out. So many faces and facets to my life and now each has a space in which it can thrive. So, each must be given space in time to do just that. So now I must nick it and nitch it until I get it right.

This brings me to Lesson of the Week.

You Have To Find The Cut Of It

I used this several times this weekend with Cuddlebug as she was crafting. When she was learning and working with the rotary tool I told her she had to find the cut of it. I explained that every angle was going to give her a different result. That she needed to find what gave her the result she wanted. She had to find the cut that she could control and use.

Later in the weekend when she began painting her sign for mommom and I was showing her how to paint within the sketch I referenced this again. I told her that painting was much like using the rotary tool to carve. She had to find the cut in the brush. Every brush will end and fold as you stroke. It will cut into the line in its own unique way. You must pay attention and learn how to stroke it to your benefit.

I then realized that life is very similar to this.

(It is an ART after all.)

Every life will be unique. Each will have its own way of working. Different angles, or perceptions, will bring differences in depth and roundness. Sometimes things work best faster. Sometimes it is best to slow it down, Often it will e very beneficial and, occasionally, it won’t be useful at all.

The trick is for each of us to find the ‘Cut’ of our lives, to discover those things that work for us and then use them. If we pay attention to how it works then we will also surely come to understand how it does not. And, as I explained to Cuddlebug, once we understand the challenges we can turn them around and use them to our advantage.

That is how one creates.

I have spent so long experimenting and delving and poking and prodding that I lost sight of my ‘Cut.’ I forgot those things that empowered me and gave me the desired results. I have been getting back to a lot of that lately. But, there is still much balance to be found.

I had an intense filming recently. Actually, I have had a couple of them. But, video seems to e one of those areas of my life that has not been gelling of late. I will get there and it will get here….somehow, some way….some day.

I find I am in no hurry recently. If it is what is then what it has been has shown me that all of the rushing and running and planning and plotting isn’t worth squat. Take each day, each moment as it comes and deal with what must be dealt with in that moment.

The rest just falls into place.

As I find balance, balance will be had.

In the meantime, I have been wanting to share with you some of the productivity I have been experiencing. These are some of the projects on the table at the moment and a bit of their progression.

All of this, of course, can also be found on my Facebook page.

These are jewelry boxes that the Princesses got last Christmas. It was suggested that they have names painted on them. This is a project that was started before then put on hold. It has had some changes along the way but is making good progress.


This is a child’s walking stick. It, too, was begun some time ago and now that there is space to work and tools with which to do so, it is slowly finding life again.


This is a walking stick I am making for someone to give at Christmas. The receiver is into Jujitsu and is a former Marine. It is to be a Japanese sword, with some Semper Fi thrown in.


This is a Christmas Themed (painted) Stained glass window.


A picture frame.


My newest fascination – Pipe picks. The first was…my first. It is a finger. Then there is picks 2 & 3, 1 of which is taking form. Then there are some that have had inspiration along the way.


And,m finally, a little creation for the Matt-Cave (and that is all I will say at this moment…)


And, this is Cuddlebug’s sign. She thought it up, designed it and painted it. All daddy did was sketch it out for her. (Of course, now I have been tasked with “touching it up.” LOL.) Sunshine’s creation will appear in the future. It is currently ‘in the shop for repairs.’


From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.


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