3rd 'Daily' Check-In

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Waning Moon
Sunny but cool
Feeling a bit energized and 'Charged'
Rested and content, but hungry.

I didn't get a chance to write last night, but I think that's ok. Morning times are always a better time to write anyway. I'm not sure why that was.

I was absolutely correct. There was no point in getting up and trying yesterday. I got up. I got about an hour and a half into trying and then I realized just where the day was headed. Overall, it was pretty good. It just leaves me with a whole lotta hustle over the next two days.

I had an abundant night. I am very glad of this. And, have said, "Thank You," about 100 times already.

The Dragon is 100% complete. She has turned out to be a bit more powerful than I had originally understood. I have had several very strong, and deep, meditations with her.

Today should be interesting. A lot of work. A lot of driving. We shall see how it goes. Rabbit appeared last night. (Oh that's suddenly more interesting as well.) Tomorrow evening begins the "10-Day Vacation with The Princesses." I am very excited for this. A good time shall be has by all.


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