
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 If the 'Quest' truly has begun then it is time to take the first important step. It is time to write. For... On the 'journey' it is best to 'journal'. People often ask me how I 'know'. How do I know I need to take this quest? How do I know that's the answer? How do I know I'm 'right'? Notes. Many years of taking notes. (and the key to that last one is "...for me.") The Art of Journaling came to me on the Northern Quest. It was actually an exercise in a book that I had taken with me - Journal every morning for 90 days. Of course, I was no stranger to note taking at that time either. I've always been somewhat of a 'Notetaker'. I have always jotted down ideas. Through previous exercises I had picked up the importance of some of the finer, subtler details. But, I would not fully comprehend the importance of the journal until many years later. (As is to be expected.) The key to good Journaling is to write down anything you find significant. Keeping a good journal is much like jotting down a scientist's notes. You note elements and reactions and processes. With 'The Self' as the test subject you can venture forth on a most wonder outs experimentation. First, there are the basics - when & where? We have covered part of the when. The time is 0153 EST. I am sitting on the front porch at Geistopia - a thing I have not done in quite some time. Next it is important to make note of the current conditions, the environment and any other "impacting" forces. It is cool. It is only the rain breezing through the trees as it begins to swell that adds the faint of a chill that is present. And, aside from that whispering wind that whips about, it is a very still night. There is some sort of funky & chill music in the. Ackground. (Thank you Music hoice - Sounds of the Season.) The moon is in some phase or another. (Really should check that.) And we are about a week away from Midsummer. Currently, I am fairly peaceful...with a hint of solemn. I hoping the solemn passes. I am tired, but in a very relaxed way. There is definitely some root/sacral chakra stuff going on, as well as possibly some solar plexus/heart. Now, it's not ways so elaborate. Usually, I just not this up in the corner - little notes of reference. From here, if you were just Journaling to...well journal, you would continue on with the whys, whee fires and what-nots of the day. However, this is a dedicated journal. It's focus is The Journey. And, the journey has begun. So for me there would be a few additional things I would need to take note of before I delve into my day. For instance, I was visited by a totem today - A Spider. Alburtis, PA Spider is the weaving of fates. Essentially, it represents the process of creation and how we are responsible for what we spin. In some cultures spider is given credit as the one who wrote the first alphabet. Of course, this gives birth to words and soon begets communication. Communication is fundamentally key in the process of creation. I find this very interesting considering what was said during a filming session last night. It's almost validation, or perhaps even a reminder. Also, there was some seriously heavy crown [chakra] activity today. I'm not sure yet if it was good or bad. Lol. I can still feel quite a bit, even now, in the third eye. It's like I was being pounded with information. Almost as if I was being 'programmed' for the journey. I came home from work today and crashed out hard. Went very deep. Expecting same for bedtime. Had a very interesting revelation, in the last 24 hours, as to the source(s) of negativity around Geistopia. (But more on that later.) I think the stage has been set properly and now it is time to retire for the night. The current focus seems to be on really slowing down, focusing on and enjoying the moment.


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