43rd Day; Tending Season

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 (still strikes me as an interesting number combination.) 2241 Rainy Waning Moon (suddenly explains so much.) Content/Chill Body's funny today. (Still the eternal sacral domain.) Once again the day was nothing as I would have (or had) planned it. And yet, once again, it was perfect as it was. I suppose, at this stage of the game, I should expect such folly. (It makes one wonder if there is any point in actually trying tomorrow.) I ended up with 'The Pil-Man' for several hours today. They were elusively direct - as usual. They carried with them the gifts of Validation & Lessons Still to be Learned. But in whole the experience served to verify that I am, most definitely, under the energy influences of 'The Quest'. I should have caught wise to such a day when I sensed this beast on the air during my last entry. Still having a lot going on in the root/sacral region. It is not just an energy/chakra thing either. The 'irritation' has flared again as well. And, something must change in my diet. I can feel my body processing foods differently. I am also fascinated at how many of the things that are concerns in my life stem from this same region - My 'Anger'; Addiction/Smoking; Self-Worth(etc., etc., etc...) The Dragon is almost complete. Perhaps by tomorrow night. I am realizing a lot of things about the last several years...but I think it is too much to get into at the moment. There are 'funny' things on the air... I think that's all for now. Check in tomorrow.


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