The Door: Quest In Order; Ch. 1–Defining the Quest

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan




The Baker of the Cornbread

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, the Son

The Sitter

The WhiteRose

The Fallen Angel


Sir Thomas

Jojo Dancer

Mr. NiceGuy

Senior Swankypants

Da Boyz from da Hood

The Witch Dr.

The ‘Original’ Mr. Baggins (and His Wife)

The Socialite


The WhiteGurl

“Ronnie’s Boy”


LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


The Piz-Nifer

Dancing Queen

Downtown Donny Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Sunday, June 10, 2012. Time….Delicious.

The week was not at all what I had planned. But, in the end, it was exactly what it needed to be I suppose.

I spent the better part of the early week butting heads once more with Mama – and, this time, some of her family.

It all starts with two pairs of sneakers.

(Does it?)

It certainly does seem like an odd place to start. But, that is where it all begins. It begins last Friday when I sent Mama a text and asked her to please make sure the girls both had sneakers…just in case.

Well, I got all sorts of arguments, and though they were all valid in their own right, was it really necessary to make such a case out of sneakers? I explained that I was on the road and that I was, frankly, unsure of the girls’ sneaker situation at my home…could she please just send them.

“Not without a good reason…”

“You’re just too lazy to go look…”


Is the fact that I’m asking not reason enough? What about where I said, “I’m unsure of their sneaker situation”?

And lazy? Really? In fact, that one was reused several times throughout the weekend in her defense…

“You were just too lazy to see where they were…”

Again…what part of, “I’m on the road working,” was difficult to understand.

Needless to say, my patience for this wore very thin, very fast. And…I became quite the prick.

And we were off. Hours, days of fighting. Texting nastiness back and forth.

By Sunday I was just completely done. So, when she texted and asked if we could meet down the street at the garage instead of the pool in Topton my answer was, “No.”

I knew she wanted to meet there because it was easy and convenient for her. Chances were she was between stops. When she asked why not I merely stated, “In your own words, why should I do any favors for you?”

From there it just got really stupid and nasty. We’re not even going to get into it all any further. But that is how I spent my week all the way up until Wednesday – dealing with and recuperating from this hostile projection from Mama and her family.

The only reason I get into it at this point is that it leads me to the Lesson of the Week:

Negativity Is Draining

It so is.

I felt so rough all week, until that is, I apologized.

I did.

My reasoning was simple. Merely that I must show better restraint in response to her. I told her that I was not saying she was right, only that I was wrong in how I reacted. I asked one more time for her to think about how we can do this better in the future.

I also told her about something she had done. Something she didn’t know I was aware of, nor was she aware how it had impacted our children. It sounds more dramatic when I write it here than it is, but it was bad enough. So I mentioned it. I also mentioned that I had never really forgiven her for that.

I then took that moment to forgive her.

(Though it wasn’t as sweet as that may sound either.)

Once I had apologized and moved on I realized just how drained I had been from the experience.

It is so draining.

It drains your spirit and your health and your personality and your focus.

It just brings you down.

But, it doesn’t have to be negativity like I had endured this week. Nay! It need only be a slight utterance, a passing commentary. If I told you that this past week was horrendous that would be negativity. So, instead I tell you it was challenging but blessed.

If you judge or criticize another that is negativity. Every time you condemn the president or his opponent or politicians at large – it is negativity.

(And that’s a dangerous kind of negativity.)

Whenever you use words like “can’t,” “won’t,” “don’t,” or, “never,” it is negative.

Be careful what you put out, for it will only come back. And it’s not always, “in kind,” as it were, either.

For me, it came back in a very drained, unmotivated, unproductive, backwards week. Everything I tried to do just did not go right. Or rather, it did not go the way I had planned.

(Looking back – everything was perfect.)

In fact this week, in particularly the weekend, was like the epitome of Do Less; Have More.

Through this, I found the Theme of the Week:

 It Is What It Is

I feel like this is a repeat. I believe we just had this, possibly as recent as last week. But then, you know how the old Principle  goes, “Sometimes…Repetition is Necessary.”

There’s really nothing more that can be said about the way my week went. It is what it is. It was what it was. There was some good and some bad. Some things got done, some did not. There were days when it seemed all I could do was sleep and nights when I would see the sun come up…and then some.

It is what it is, so….WTF?

I feel like it needs more to the statement. So…why worry? why stress? just go with it?


Which is the phrase that does the revelation justice?

No matter what is going on in life, it is what it is. This is just a practical reality. Whatever it is – it is what it is.

So why stress it?

Some things you can change. Some you cannot. But so what? It is what it is.

If you cannot change it, why even give it consideration? It merely is what it is and that’s ok.

If you can change it then you have a choice to either do so or not. But do not stress the choice for whatever you choose, it is what it is.

And so it goes.

And, so, you make the best choices you can – based on what you know, what you need, and how you feel. That is the best you can do and it is what it is. You may make poor choices along the way. You most likely will make at least a few good ones. But whatever the choices have been it is what it is, they were what they were and its all ok.

“Good” or “Bad” a choice made is a valiant accomplishment in and of itself.

This very Theme can be readily applied to the ‘Re-Discovery Tour.’

It is what it is.

There is so much that could be said on it – the statuses and statistics, the situations and solutions. But no matter what else can be said the only thing that matters is that -

It is what it is.

It is a Spiritual Quest. I do not know what that means to you, but, it is what it is. I can only tell you what it is to me. To me the Spiritual Quest is much like the Vision Quest - which can be set upon as quickly and easily as a Sweat Lodge – only on a much grander scale.

In a Sweat Lodge, the elements are combined and the atmosphere created to induce a “trance-like” state. It is here you have your visions – where you receive the answers to your ‘quest’-ions. It is in The Lodge that we traverse The Veil and live between the Physical and The Spiritual. The Lodge becomes the gateway to the Plane between Planes. It is the bridge between Heaven and Earth.

(It is the ‘as’ in ‘As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above.’)

 Such is the case with any ‘Vision Quest’ ceremony or Ritual. It only  serves to open the gateways and let you pass.

There are still tribes today whose Vision Quests are so powerful that the questor must be accompanied by 2 watchers – for what they see in their visions has sent some running off into the jungle.

(I just like that story…)

The point being that the Vision Quest is an experience in which we acknowledge the Spiritual Realms of Being. It is a journey on which can be revealed the Spiritual Plane, living and breathing around us - leaving with us the vague impressions of the guardians along the way. 

But more than that, the Vision Quest is the truest example of what all Faith teaches. It is a moment when you acknowledge that, in this Universe, there is a power greater than yourself…and you turn yourself over to it.

(If only for a moment…)

So, the ‘Re-Discovery Tour’ is a Spiritual Quest. It is what it is.

I am turning myself over…

(A new leaf?)


I am entering that Plane between Planes. I will be in my “trance” throughout. I will be searching for The Guardians and The Gateways. I will follow the clues to my destination, for I know not where I am going…only that I am.

I am taking the Spiritual Quest because it is where the Vision Quest has led me.

It was the answer to the ‘quest’-ion. And it has been validated and verified multiple times using any number of methodologies. I am acknowledging ‘The Power Greater Than Ourselves’ – whatever it is. Because, let’s face it, no matter what it is – God, Goddess or some Science in between – it is what it is…

And, there ain’t nothin’ any of our individual beliefs can do to change that.

This is my dedication to my Faith, my Beliefs, and my Spiritual Side of Life. In fact, it is part of the original dedication from 15 years ago. And all points in between have been designed to make this journey whatever it will be. It will be as it will be.

It is what it is.

And, it is on.

Time to ‘Pay the Piper',’ I suppose. My number has come up.

To explain to you how, exactly, I am so sure that this is what must be would most likely take an entire chapter in and of itself.

(At least.)

On that, all I can say is it’s revealed on the way.

Maybe by the time we get there you’ll know. ;)

But I warn you – if you are going to follow along you may find some of it absurd or insane. The things that I write may trouble your brain. I use references and riddles; extremes and their middles. It’s symbols and signs and feelings and such.

Don’t trust ‘The Good Sense’ for it won’t reveal much.

There’s things to be done and people to know. It’s not in ‘when’ nor in‘why’ but in ‘how’ you go. So take a deep breathe and open your eyes. The secret you see is not a surprise. It’s there to be had be any who seek it. But still there is fun so I’ll try not to <leek> it.

To ‘believe’ what you ‘see’ takes no work at all. But to ‘see’ what you ‘believe’ requires no wall. There can be no boundaries, or limits to be met. For, ‘Order’ only comes to those who tame ‘Seth’. He keeps his ‘Knowledge’ hidden – deep within the Earth. And when his barge you’ve ridden – just ‘moments’ to re-birth….

Our story begins today, the 41st day of the Tending Season in The Year of The Dragon 20 and 12.

Like all stories, it is the story of a life – one single, solitary life. It’s not an extraordinary life, it’s rather quite an ordinary life. There’s no heroes or treasures or forbidden romance. Merely a speck you might pass in less than a glance. There’s no purpose, no value, no baring you see…

But things as they seem may not always be.

It is the story of a ‘boy.’ Not a real boy, nor some Pinocchio or another, for this ‘boy’ is a man…but such a child of Life. He is awestruck and fascinated by the simplest of pleasures. He takes his days, each, as they come. And, he is grateful for all - no matter what’s done.

He is The Fool - doping along to his own follied tune - unaware of perceptions that lurk in the gloom. He’s not bothered nor swayed nor taken by reason. He just smiles and says:

“To each it’s own season. Who cares if it’s now or later or when. The point is it happens again and again. The promise was made and never was broken, the foundations laid in the words that were spoken. ‘It’s’ ours to had. Believe it…or not. It’s not what you’re lacking but all that you’ve got.”

This man has no power nor forces he wields. His sheath has no blade and his hands hold no shields. The thing that he’s got - for all that it’s worth – is a mountain of Faith filled with love for the Earth.

He sits alone.

His thoughts whirl and whip through his mind. Wild wisps of wonder and whimsy taunting and tantalizing him. It has been many years since he last followed that second star to the right. He wonders if he still can. The frenzy of voices, the whispers of doubts. The, “How can you do this with all those ‘withouts’?”

When there are questions with answers unknown, one secret he’s found through the years as he’s grown, to heal all the sadness and silence the madness…

He writes.

Today I am three weeks out from departure. There is no turning back. Too many wheels in motion to stop now.

3 is a number of creativity. It is the Prime Number of all ‘Creation.’ It is now that I must create not only this journey, but also, who I will be on it. Tomorrow, when I wake, so much must change. They are simple choices – momentary decisions.

It has been made abundantly clear that I must quit smoking for this trip. This is a demon I have battled with many times over the years. Though I will never say I have lost, parts of me are undoubtedly scarred beyond recognition. But tomorrow – I must win.

It’s all choices like that.

Less coffee. (or none at all.)

Moving slower.

Counting blessings.

I need to get back in touch with who I was when I was way back when.

It seems there is no need for me to have doubts about this journey for everyone else seems to have them for me. This is not to say that I am not nervous or unsure. I have tried time and time again since this trip was revealed to me to put all things in play so that I would be as prepared as possible when the time came. All of this has, generally, failed.

As the clock ticks eternally on I find myself further and further from where I would have liked to have been when it is time to leave. For instance, there is much work that should be done on the van before I even consider just humoring this idea.

But I suppose it is way too late for that. So, if it gets done it gets done. If it does not then we will see what happens next.

I had hoped to generate all sorts of income before I left. But, each time it has not gone as smoothly as planned. A little bit here and a little bit there. But never what I has set out to accomplish in the first place. But, the trip is inevitable. It was written in the books long before the stars began to sing us their stories. I’m going. This I know.

But that is all I really know about this trip.

I do not know what will be accomplished or achieved. So, I have put no attachments there either. I have done this several times before and never was it, in the end, what I thought it would be.

Each journey has been it’s own, but it has taken me each to learn how to set out on this one. On the first I learned the many ways that this Ph-E-Nom-E-Non known as life works and communicates with each of us. It was a lesson in being inspired, a challenge in being only in the moment.

There truly is something remarkable at work if we allow it.

The Second taught me to follow instructions, which is much different than listening. One can always ‘listen’ to what they are told to do or believe or follow, but the choice must still be made to do so.

I learned that sometimes the places we least want to go have the most powerful results.

I learned about pride and how to accept help when it’s needed.

The third and fourth both served as distractions so I could more readily handle what came next.

The last sort of brought it all together…in a mini version. It helped me remember how to validate the quest. It showed me how the place you leave for may not be the destination at all. It helped me trust once more.

So, it is time to do it once more.

I do not know what will change as a result of this Quest. I only know the questions that led to it. I have vague notions as to what may or may not happen. There is only once certainty…

And, it is that I am going.

In an effort to cover my bases as best I can I will share with everyone two lists. The first is the itinerary. I share it with the hopes that someone may have recommendations along the way – places to see, things to do, people to bump into. I have had a couple of friends step up to this plate already, telling me they have friends here or someone I should look up there. But remember, this really is just a rough draft and could change at any time. Though I do not think much of it will until after San Diego.

The second is the list of things I believe I will need along the way, but have yet to procure…and quite frankly, am not entirely certain that I can. Again, people have come out of the woodwork already – offering this or that. One offered a donation, another a camping stove. But, only time will tell and we will know when we get there what I actually have to work with along the way.

My favorite Principle is, ‘Ask & Ye Shall Receive.’ The trick to that is if you do not ask…you cannot.

So I put the second list as a way of asking. This is not to make anyone feel obligated or offended. But, if one should feel inspired it will be accepted with gratitude and blessings.

For ease of locating, since I had asked many to read this if even only for the lists, those lists will be at the very end of this post, following that which is left…


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.

Recently, a friend wrote, “I do not know anyone who would do this without a min. of $2000 for gas money…”

Her concern is that there should be more planning, more preparedness. She is worried I will not make it.

Duly noted.

But, she, herself, best sums up why I do not share this concern. She puts, so simply, what I apparently have not been able to get across all these many weeks. She goes on to say, “If you complete this journey as scheduled it truly would be from God.”




It Is Not An Act of Faith If There Is No Doubt to Face

Faith is easy when everything else is as well.

If all the bases are covered and everything is conveniently taken care of then there can never be a moment when doubt can set in. And doubt, tended to properly is nothing more than questions asked. And, once it is asked the answer must be received. So mote it be.

It is the Law of the Universe.

If there are no concerns then there is nothing to do. If there is nothing to do then there is nothing to learn.

If I have all I need then there is no motivation to seek things out and it is only through seeking we shall find.

(It is the 2nd part of the Principle after all.)

If I knew it was all going to be ok then there would be no need to engage, let alone lean on, the power of this Phe-Nom-E-Non known as life…and what would be the point to that?

Doubt is only dangerous to Faith when it takes over completely. 

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.

Freedom’s All-American Re-Discovery Tour


July 1; 1300 – Depart Geistopia

Geistopia to Geistown, PA

(possibly by way of Centralia, PA)

July 2; 800 – Arrive Pittsburgh, PA

Work in Pittsburgh?

July 2; 1600 – Depart Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh to Hanoverton, OH

July 2; 1800 – Arrive Hanoverton, OH

-Spread EagleTavern

July 3; 1000 – Depart Hanoverton

Hanoverton to Columbus, OH

July 3; 1330 – Arrive Columbus

-Ohio Deli/Dagwood Sandwich

July 3; 1430 – Depart Columbus

Columbus, OH to Chicago, IL

July 3 to July 5 in Chicago

July 5; 1100 – Depart Chicago

Chicago, Il to Bloomington, MN

July 5; 1900 – Arrive Bloomington, IL

July 5 to July 8 – Bloomington, IL

July 8; 0600 – Depart Bloomington

Bloomington to Mt. Rushmore

July 8; 1000 – Arrive Mt. Rushmore

July 8; 1300 – Depart Mt. Rushmore

Mt. Rushmore to Devil’s Tower

July 8; 1600 – Devil’s Tower

July 8; 1900 – Depart Devil’s Tower

Devil’s Tower to Yellowstone

July 9; 1200 – Arrive Yellowstone

July 9; 1500 – Depart Yellowstone

Yellowstone to Seattle, WA

July 10; 1300 – Arrive Seattle

July 10 to July 12/13 – Seattle

July 12/13 – Depart Seattle

July 12/13 to July 25 – California

(San Francisco; Modesto; ?L.A.?; San Diego)

July 25; 1400 – Depart San Diego

San Diego to Las Vegas

July 25; 1900 – Arrive Las Vegas

July 25 to July 27 – Las Vegas

July 27; 1100 – Depart Vegas

Vegas to Grand Canyon

July 27; 1600 – Arrive Grand Canyon

July 27; 1800 – Depart Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon to Flagstaff

July 28 – Flagstaff/Sedona

July 30; 0600 – Depart Flagstaff

Flagstaff to Santa Fe

July 30; 1300 – Arrive Santa Fe

July 31; 0900 – Depart Santa Fe

Santa Fe to Big White Cross (about Shamrock, TX)

July 31; 1400 Arrive Big White Cross

July 31; 1500 – Depart Big White Cross

Big White Cross to New Orleans, LA

Aug 1; 1100 – Arrive New Orleans

Aug 2; 1800 – Depart New Orleans

New Orleans to Savannah, GA

Aug 3; 1200 – Arrive Savannah, GA

Aug 3 to Aug 6 – Savannah, GA

Aug 6; 0600 – Depart Savannah

Savannah, GA to Charleston, SC

Aug 6; 1000 – Arrive Charleston

Aug 7; 0800 – Depart Charleston

Charleston, SC to Rocky Mount, NC

Aug 7; 1400 – Arrive Rocky Mount, NC

Aug 9; 1100 – Arrive Washington, D.C.

Aug 9; 1830 – Depart Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. to Baltimore

Aug 10; 0700 – Depart Baltimore

Aug 10; 1300 – Arrive at Geistopia

Procurement list

Camping Stove/Fuel

3 Gallons of water

$500 in cash, accounts or Gift Cards. (Exxon and Visa cards with even just $5 can lead to work equaling 4x that amount….no lie. It’s true.)

Non-Perishables (determined by access to said camping stove.)


Peanut Butter



Canned Vegetables

And so on.

Sharpies in an array of colours. (I’ll explain later.)

A portable power source.

First aid Kit.



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