Monday, July 29, 2013; 2215 So, what did today hold? A whole lot of the same as the past few weeks - nothing. Or, is that just how it seems? "Healing takes time." That was the message of a meditation period today. It was more of a shut down period really. Something along the lines of 2 hours, which is really unusual for me. It came on rather quickly and I went out heavy. In fact, I'm not certain that I ever really came back. I've been feeling really off all day. In true fashion of the past several weeks, I awoke with a list of things to do and I accomplished Just Enough of it to feel at least somewhat accomplished. My head is foggy and my motivation low. Depression and frustration may be. Fair enough analysis, but I think it is something more than that. Perhaps it is the result of a culmination of wishes. That's a nice positive twist, but, personally, I'm still leaning towards a touch of depression. I think the greatest source of my frustrat...