

Tuesday, July 2, 2013; 0704

It’s funny how it all goes. There was so much more to yesterday’s storytelling, but I was so discombobulated all day. It took me several hours just to get written what I did. I realize some of it was repeat from the past several days, but that is how it came out.

So…before we go any further, This Tuesday Morning is ‘Perfect For:’ Writing; Lost in Thought; Trip the Breaker Radio (Nothin’ like a lil trip-hop to start the day.)

My problem is whenever I sit down at the computer I can think of 20 different things that could and should be done. So, of course, my ADD kicks in and I try to do everything at once.

I want to try to recall all of the guides from this past week. I think it’s always important to acknowledge those who help us along. Let’s see how I do – Lion, Fox, Peacock, Crane, Eagle, Chimera, Griffin and St. Michael (though could be the Archangel as well.)

The first thing I need to make not of is the obvious connection between the Chimera, Griffin and the Lion. It’s almost like one guide in three forms. There is also a connection between the Eagle and the Griffin.

Before I get too much into the analysis of the guides, let us get back to the journey itself.

I semi-ended the journey with a Reiki Share at Enlightened Path in Pottstown (Quick Plug.) It was nice to meet people, to commune with others of like spirit (Not that any of us have differing spirits.) It was nice to heal and be healed.

It was just nice.

While there I was introduced to the angel cards. It was the other practitioner that brought them to my attention. I’ve come across these cards before I just didn’t realize there was a bag full of them in the store.

The premise is simple – Reach in, pull out, and read the message from your angels.


Ha! How appropriate. At first I thought this was a little odd because I felt as though I was trusting, but then, who knows what was to come. I can’t say that anything particularly dramatic happened, but I can kind of see where the energies were, and still are, pointing.

I left the Share feeling a bit spacey-headed, which is to be expected. I finished off my last three assignments and headed home. Now, let’s kind of review:

I set out to make a certain amount of money. At the very least, enough to cover my ass. At best, a whole lot more. When I returned from the three day stint it seemed that I had barely made enough to cover my ass.

Then I discovered a good deal of work available down around the Philly area. So, I had no sooner got the van unloaded that I needed to load it up again and head out on Saturday. I earned a great deal more in the day that was to follow than I had over the original 3 days. (But then…that wasn’t about the money.)

It was easy enough to finagle my way through the Philly run. My problem was that I was pre-tapping my PayPal account. I know it takes a day or two for things to process through Paypal so I just kind of got what I needed when I needed it and moved on from there. Generally, the work that I was doing pays overnight. Sometimes 2 days. Well, Sunday morning came and nothing had paid yet. Sunday night rolled around and nothing had paid. I began to get a little nervous.


Come Monday morning – still no pay deposited.


Monday evening I still saw no pay and decided maybe it was time to actually look at my Paypal account and see what was happening. Fortunately, everything from the weekend was still pending.


I figured no matter what I had my Reiki client today and that would be a help. Of course, then he had to reschedule and we still haven’t figured that part out yet.


I got a message from someone I had done a reading for quite some time ago. I had never received a payment from her. She had tried to do it directly through my Paypal account with no luck. Then she claimed to have mailed a check that I didn’t get. She claimed to have mailed a second one. Still not received. At the time I just wrote it off as a dissatisfied customer not making good. So I get this message from her saying that she was reconciling her accounts and noticed the discrepancy. She promised to make good on it. Last night I was supposed to message her and get the payment info. Before I could she messaged me and said she would send it later last night. Still not received.


Once all of this smoke clears I should have more than enough to make my way through this week and into next. And that was really the ultimate goal. I wanted to make enough that I could just coast through this week and try to get some things caught up and taken care of around here. For so long everything has been a disorganized mess.


I wasted yesterday away for the most part. Not that I didn’t do ANYthing. I just didn’t do anything I would have planned on doing. But, I figure yesterday was my official day off. Now I am back at it and with plenty of time to spare. Short of my client, who should be scheduled some time tomorrow, I have nothing going on this week except time with the Princesses and time to DO.

Also, on Friday, I had received the potential job offer. A job that would be exactly what I had asked for while on my 3 day quest. So, we shall see how it all unfolds from here.

In the meantime, let’s go back and look at those guides. Again, I can only give brief snippets of who they are and what they carry with them. There is always so much more.

I will start with the Chimera and the Griffin, since I do not currently own a book that helps me understand them. These are creatures I had to research…and came up with very little actually. In fact, I came up with nothing substantial on the Chimera, short of its mythology. It is here that I begin to see some possibilities.

The Chimera comes from some Greek legends focusing on an area that is now a part of Turkey. It is the actual point of origin that catches my attention – The Chimera Mountain. It is a mountain that has about 12 different spots that have ‘eternal’ fires burning. I always find eternal fires to be significant. This is the core of the soul. The Light of God always shining.

Another thing that catches my attention is that though some report it to have the tail of a serpent, others claim its tail is the head of a Dragon. This connects it even more to the Griffin.

The Griffin is kindred to the Dragon in a couple of ways. First, they are both associated with Wisdom. (One of the Fruits of Spirit, according to I Corinthians 12.) The Dragon and the Griffin are said to have both been fascinated with, and guardians of, vast treasures. (Perhaps the Divine Promise.)

Of course, both the Chimera and the Griffin are part Lion so let us look at Lion as our first Animal Totem. I use Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak for my definitions.

LionAssertation of the Feminine and the Power of the Female Sun.

“The lion has been symbolic of a variety of energies through the years. It is a symbol of the sun and of gold. It was symbol for the sun-god Mithras. The Egyptians believed that the lion presided over the annual floods of the Nile. Early Christians believed it to e the earthly opponent of the eagle. The medieval alchemists associated it with the fixed element of sulphur, and a young lion was always a symbol of the rising sun and all that it implies…When the lion appears there will be opportunity to awaken to a new sun. Trust your feminine energies – creativity, intuition and imagination. These will ad new sunshine to your life. Don’t be afraid to roar if you feel threatened or intruded upon.”

There is also a message of stealth in new endeavors.

Let us, then, move on to the Eagle since there is, again, a connection flowing throughout the guides – The Griffin, The Lion and The Eagle.

EagleIllumination of Spirit, Healing and Creation

Keynotes include:

Balance of being of the Earth but not in it

Resurrection (Christian Mysticism)

Greater sight and perception

Heroic nobility and Divine Spirit

Know when to speak, how much and how strongly

“For those with Eagle totems, new vision will open”

Fox and Peacock were the next two to make frequent appearances along the way.

FoxFeminine magic of camouflage, shapeshifting and invisibility

-New world opening up, the process of creation is beginning.

-A guide to enter the Faerie Realm

-Creative Energies

Again, there is just too much relevant information on the Fox to share it all here.

PeacockResurrection and Wise Vision

I like this one, first and foremost, because it always appeared in conjunction with either the Chimera or the Griffin. Coinciding energies. Also, it has connections to the myth of the Phoenix.

Crane  - Longevity and Creation through Focus

-Justice and longevity

-Express your own feminine energies

-About to recover what had almost become extinct with you

-Need for secrecy in regard to something new or beginning

You know, I think that pretty much sums it up. I always like to look at these things after the fact and see, all at once, the true connections that run through them.

I’d tell you more…but apparently I’m not supposed to. *wink*


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