Beware The Illusion…


Monday, July 1, 2013; 0837

…It will deceive you every time.

When I set out last Sunday night for the week that was ahead I had a set of goals to meet – financial goals.  As always, I had broken things down into levels or tiers. There is always the absolute minimum, the basics of what I need to accomplish. Then, of course, there is a goal I would like to see myself meet that is usually astronomically larger. And, then there are several steps in between.

I took Monday to prepare and get myself ready to hit the road. At the worst I had hoped to make enough to cover bills due today. At best, I could have done much more.

The path before me was not an easy one – 3 days on the road in familiar, but not comfortable areas. The work was there, but not guaranteed. But then, you all know how I feel about ‘guarantees.’

I wasn’t sure how it would all go or what would happen. I wasn’t even sure I would be able to get home when it was all said and done. I had a starting point and a direction to head. From there it was all pretty much up in the air.

If you have been following along then you know that day one was minimal at best. However, night one found me sleeping at my grandmother’s instead of in the van. Now, it’s no secret that I am not particularly close to any member of my family, but it is nice to check in on them from time to time.

Day 2 is when the adventure truly began because that is what this 3 day journey was – an adventure, an experience…a quest. Within just 2 or so hours I had earned just as much as I had the entire day before. Of course, when the day was done I was still far from the goal I would have liked to reach. But then, it wasn’t really about the money.

After my first stop of the morning I stumbled upon a most fascinating yard. Fortunately the owner was out and I was able to stop for a bit and appreciate the magnificance of it all.


These are just some of the photos. Be sure to try to zoom in on that last one. The real fun is hidden in the background.

I maneuvered my way around and the end of Day 2 found me in New Jersey, visiting with the Jersey adventure. I was closer to my needs but still very very far from what I was hoping for – even for the lower end of my tiers.

My time with The Adventure was fun as always. I was fortunate enough to have a great conversation with her stepmom, enjoy time with her kids, good conversation between us, and manage a bed that was not the van one more night. Of course, the quick shower in the morning was a bonus as well.

Somewhere in my week I had received an email about a possible job in the Philly area that I thought I might be able to do alongside of what I was already out doing. When I spoke to someone and got the information I wasn’t so sure that would actually work. She explained that she didn’t want to plead but they could really use the help. I had agreed…but later changed my mind.

When that day finally came around, which was Day 3, I realized that I was still far from my goal and also across the river. What I needed to do more than anything was take care of myself and push onward trying to make as much as I could. So, early that morning, I called and left a message declining the work.

Along the way though I was thinking about my life and what I really wanted from it. I wanted this. I want the ability to travel and adventure and see and do and somehow be making money along the way. I want a job that will pay me to go places. I made my way up the western side of Jersey, bouncing to and fro. I actually hadn’t made it very far in several hours, but I was seeing some success here and there.

But then…it wasn’t about the money.

This was a message I received at what would turn out to be my last actual assignment of the day. This was an odd little moment. I went looking for a restaurant that, I learned later, had been part of a marina. In fact, I had driven right past it originally, completely unawares. I drove and looked and could not find it.

I came upon a postman (and yes he was a man. I’m not just being gender general.) I figured if anyone would know about it, this person would. He explained to me that the particular restaurant I was looking for was no longer in operation at that location but that another business was going in. He gave me more specific directions to find it.

I turned around and headed back. I pulled over once just to get my bearings and scope things out. I contemplated, for a moment, just forgetting the assignment. I mean, it’s possible to still get paid with the business not there but then there’s all sorts of other stuff I’d have to do first. I wondered if it was worth it. Something deep inside was telling me to just suck it up and do it.

Well, I found the place. Overall everything looked pretty deserted – marina included. There were a few gentleman cleaning a boat when I arrived. One of them came over and I explained what I was there for. He pointed me to the gentleman with whom I needed to speak and I noticed his interest in the van. I explained to him how it came to be drawn on like that and offered him the chance to do so himself. He accepted and I went on my way to do my work.

I found the gentleman I needed to speak with and he gave me permission to take the photos I needed. We then chit-chatted a bit. Let’s face it, chit-chatting is what I do best. LOL. We made our way back to the van and I offered him the chance to write on it as well.

The other gentleman had written “Conversations with God. He/She is listening.” I thought this was so curious considering my own recent conversation with God. Was I being told that I was heard?

The 2nd gentleman, the owner of the café had written the name of his café on the van – GiGatt Café. When he heard us talking about the Conversations with God book series by Neale Donald Walsch he took me around to the other side of the van and showed me just how he had come up with the name of the café – GitGatt.


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He then got into a discussion about life and what it is really about. How it is about the blessings, not the money. And, as he was demonstrating, every moment is a blessing. It’s about helping others, even if all you can do is help put a smile on their faces. Live to Serve, Serve to Live.

I could feel the energy sweeping over me. It literally felt as if I had been picked up off the ground. I left there feeling pumped and stoked. Good thing, too. Because the rest of the day was a no go.

I had sucked it up and made a long drive to my next point of possible work, which put me closer to home. There were 6 gigs available and I had hoped to maybe get five of them. “If I get 5,” I told myself, “then I will feel accomplished.”

I got….none. Not a one. Various reasons, all to be expected from time to time. But I got none. Suddenly, I didn’t feel so lifted up. But, I kept reminding myself that it’s not about the money. I drove home, trying to recollect all of the blessings and experiences I was allowed on this journey. It helped…but not entirely.

The next morning I took a look at things and where I stood financially. Despite anything else I had made the money I needed to pay what needed to be paid today. Them, as I looked through my work apps I noticed there was quite a bit back down in the Philly/Pottstown area. So, Saturday morning I loaded up and headed out again.

In 24 hours I made almost twice as much as I had over the first three days. Now all I am doing is waiting for all of the pay to process and come in. Which I hope is soon…but that’s a whole other story.

Nonetheless…the moral of the story is this….it all works out in the end.


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