We Teach Best

Monday, July 22, 2013; 1214

Hmm. What do we have going on there? A 22…and an 8.

(Snickers.) Well doesn’t that just pique my interest.

So, it’s true. We teach best what we most need to learn. This is why I make such a good teacher – because I have so much to learn. There’s no denying that. I have my struggles. I have my mistakes and misperceptions. I merely just do the best I can to get through each day.

It’s been quite some time since I have sat down to write, so let’s see if I can get a groove going. Oh…and for the record…no, I did not like using the Dragon software to do the blog. It just seemed to really mess with the flow of things.

Anyway, I suppose if I am going to do it, I should do it right. Today I am not listening to iHeart Radio. Instead I am testing a different app on my phone – SoundTap. So, today I am listening to Post Progressive Disorder on 88.3 WCRT Pittsburgh, PA.

Lesson of the WeekThere is the Divine…and nothing else.

This becomes this week’s lesson because it is something I really must keep in mind lately. For many reasons.

It’s very easy, as we stroll along in life, to get distracted by the ups and downs. It is easy to give in to the trials and the struggles and forget that even those things come from The One True Spirit (T.O.T.S.)

No matter what seems to be going on this Spirit, this force, is in constant communication with us and guiding us through. No matter what is going on it is coming from the same source and it is serving a purpose. Perhaps it is teaching us. Or maybe guiding us. Perhaps it is even challenging and expanding our perceptions.

But the important thing, above all else, is to remember that it is the Divine, T.O.T.S., at work.

It’s really hard to remember this at times. It is one of my own struggles. I am struggling with it currently. Perhaps that is why it came as a Lesson this week.

I have all sorts of stuff going on and none of it seems to be good. Certainly non of it is going as I was expecting or hoping or planning. But then, what else is new?

I’m not even certain where to begin the story telling.

That’s been part of my problem. I can’t seem to write lately. I’ve been in a mucky kind of place. Yet, through it all I just keep my faith. I’m not sure how I do that.

From a material world viewpoint it would seem as though, once again, things are collapsing around me…or the BS is piling up. However you want to look at it.

I’m not even sure I want to get into it though because that which you feed energy into grows. It’s just been weird for weeks. I’ve just been in this heavy groove that I can’t quite displace. Each day I mean to do things and each day only minimal things get done. Now, in my defense, I know that last week that was because I had class all week and it was really messing with my head and my system.


See, this is what has been happening to me. I sit to write and I just can’t groove. Then it becomes time to put my focus someplace else and then I either sit and try to do it again or it all goes by the wayside. This is where my ADD becomes a real problem.

I think I just don’t know what story to tell anymore. It seems the tale has become quite redundant and repetitive. This is where my frustrations arise. I’m tired of the same old go around. I just don’t know anymore what I can do to change it. I’m out of options…and motivation.

I don’t know how to describe it. I push and push and then things seem like they are getting better and then suddenly, and without warning, they take a leap backwards again. One step forward and two steps back.

I think the part that frustrates me the most is I really just follow the flow. no different than what I teach. And still it all seems to go awry. Take this most recent venture of a job.

Sounds like a great deal at first glance. But as it unfolds I am not so sure. I mean, in the end, as far as I can gauge, it just becomes another thing. Another thing that I do to make ends meet. But, it doesn’t seem to be the thing that makes a difference.

The pay is just slightly better per hour than what I do now and the hours are about as guaranteed – which means not 40 hours a week. The only plus, so far, seems to be that it will pay me to travel and may open up the door for more opportunities in arenas I am already playing in.

But it is currently a drain on me. I gave up all of last week to attend class. I did not get paid for class. All the while I watched paying work come and go. Tonight I am going on a job to get hands-on training. It is over an hour away and I will be driving up the little gas that I have and risking problems with the van (part of my current issues) and if there is pay for it it will be minimal.

I just don’t know how I feel about that.

This is what the Universe handed me – almost immediately after it was ‘asked’ for. So, I can’t deny the need to pursue it and see it through.

Now, on the flip side of things, I see this – first, I met a most extraordinary gentleman at class. He was the teacher of the class. He is also a Pagan Priest and I am certain that there were reasons for us to meet. We took to each other quite quickly. In fact, he has invited me and the girls to the Lughnasadh celebration in a couple of weeks. He has also invited me to do degree work within his particular path. This I am excited about and interested in.

As far as tonight goes, there is a chance, a slight chance that I can pick up some work along the way home in the morning. Of course, that also means passing out somewhere along the road for a couple of hours until the stores are open and running. This is also dependent on how much of a dent it all puts in my gas tank. I have $11 left to spend on gas. $21 if you count the $10 cash I have on me but I don’t like to deplete my funds altogether, especially when I am unsure of when they will be replenished.

This brings me to the van problems. I have a leak somewhere in the radiator system. It doesn’t seem to be affecting the radiator itself too much, but definitely from time to time. however, I cannot fill the reservoir. This can only go on so long before it needs to be fixed and a this point I am not sure how I am going to do that.

This is what I mean by my frustrations. I push and I try and calculate and manipulate all in the effort to ‘get er done’ and no matter how well I do with that the next thing inevitably pops up.

Buddha taught that all of life is suffering.

(Deep sigh.)

Nonetheless, as usual, I pick myself up, brush myself off and move through it the best that I can. But my tolerance for the whole thing is just really diminished.

There is so much more I could write and say. so many places I could take this. So many points and observations to make. But it all just frustrates me so.

As a teacher, if I were to look at this from the outside, what would I say?

- Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.

- If you know you can get through today that is all you really need to know.

- Everything truly does happen for a reason.

- Ask and Ye SHALL Receive.

- Relax, Release and Realize.

That is where I am going to leave things for now and we shall see what the next couple of days hold.

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev. Wishing you Peace, Love, Light…and Freakishness.


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