Be At Peace and Enjoy Your Thing


Wednesday, July 24, 2013; 0828

Do I even need to mention it is a 10 day…which ultimately becomes a 1 day, depending on the system you may be using.

“Be at peace and enjoy your thing.”

How’s that for a message during a meditation. Of, course that could hold a couple of different interpretations depending on how your mind is geared. But, don’t worry folks – I enjoy my thing quite often.

(How fun is it that I just now look down at the iHeart Radio app to see a group named Phoenix?)

So, be at peace and enjoy your thing. (Chuckles.)

That is my goal for today. I just want to be at peace and enjoy my thing. (Chuckles a little harder.) Perhaps we should change that to “do your thing.” That may deter the giggles.

Last night I struggled and stressed looking ahead at and for some work. I had actually been planning on going out today. That’s what I was planning. But, in the middle of it all something said to just stay home and do what needs to be done around here. Normally, I would have argued. I would have. I would have argued that there was work available and money needed. I would have argued that going out on the road today was the ‘responsible’ thing to do.

In fact, I did.

Obviously, I lost.

I was reminded of the Lessons of the past two days:

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

There Is Only One Source

I was also reminded, or rather it was stressed, the importance of getting done around here what needs to get done. This is stuff that I have been wanting to get at for weeks. Like I said, I know that last week things were a little off because of class. I just wish I knew what happened to the week prior. Such a very big blur. \

Nonetheless, that was then and this is now. And now I have the opportunity to take care of it. So I shall.

Today I shall breathe deep, walk slow, be at peace and…do my thing.

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev., wishing you Peace, Love, Light and Freakishness.


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