Never Another Moment...Ever

Saturday, July 6, 2013; 1000

This Saturday Morning it is 'Perfect For:' July 4th Weekend; July 4th Weekend; Road Trip Radio.

And no that is not an error.

So...never another moment. This has been on my mind all week. It's one of those things we all know. But, do we really understand and appreciate it? Or, do we take it for granted? Do we realize that any given moment, every moment, is unique into itself. Never again in your life, or even in history, will there be another moment exactly like it.

"The snowflakes of our Lives, no sooner caught, melting away."

No matter what life is throwing at you, the moment is yours. It is yours to live through, experience, to do with as you wish. What you take away from the moment is determined solely by you. There is good and bad in everything - positives and negatives, rights and wrongs. What you remember will be the result from that on which you focus.

But if you find that you are struggling sifting through and discerning between the blessings and the curses, remember this: if you are alive to experience the moment then you already have the greatest blessing conceivable.

Even in the worst of situations, if you are alive, you have a chance - a chance to learn, to thrive and survive. You have the chance to [a la Clint Eastwood] "improvise, adapt, overcome."

You have the choice to make of it all what you wish. It is true you cannot change the circumstances, but you can choose, and adjust, how you work under those circumstances.

I use to struggle and stress with the 'suffering' of it all. I was striving to reach my 'Nirvana'. I was gauging this by the moments I experienced....

To be continued...


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