Don’t Panic


Tuesday, July 23, 2013; 1328.

And….a 9 day!!!

These are the words inscribed on the cover of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Don’t Panic

I was actually just talking to the Princesses about these very words, this very notion. Panic clouds the mind. It clouds the whole system really. It clouds the mind because the brain scrambles, seeking reprieve and relief. It clouds the body by stressing it. it stresses when the brain cannot find the answer for which it is searching. But mostly, it clouds the Spirit. For, if the Mind and Body are clouded and strained how can the Spirit function at all?

Yesterday I was panicking.

We teach best what we most need to learn.

It’s just so true. I was looking at my finances, at the little bit of gas I had, at the opportunities to generate or see cash flow and I just couldn’t find the answer I wanted. My main concern was the gas tank. I wasn’t starting out with much and I had a good deal of driving to do with very little resources with which to replenish.

I forgot one of the main rules – There is just one source. Only one. Everything else is an illusion. This, too, is a message I recently delivered during a reading.

We teach best what we most need to learn.

Can I get an AMEN!


As I had written yesterday, I wasn’t sure of the pay for last night. In fact, I was quite certain there would be none. This didn’t seem to sit so well with the Tech I was paired up with, “You should get paid whether you’re training or not.”

He then offered to fill my tank. He said that was the most he would be authorized to do, but that he would do it. Brother, that was plenty. Having a full tank of gas put me in much better place than I could have anticipated being in on my own. A full tank of gas is always my goal. If I have gas in my tank I know I can follow the work wherever it may lead. From there it is just a matter of which work it is and when it will pay.

Now, I could have made the drive last night and gotten home. I could have put a little bit of gas in the van, enough to get the girls and take them back tonight, and still had just a bit of cash on me. But I wouldn’t have had the luxury of knowing that I could pursue work over the next few days.

Can I get an AMEN?


It all works out in the end. Relax…release…realize. That’s really all there is to it. I set my sights on getting to the job site, doing what needed to be done and moving on from there. I relaxed into knowing that I could get that much done and that much was the important part. I released my stress and worries and anxieties (well, in regards to that anyway) and I pushed forward. Then, as if by magick (cough, cough, wink, wink) I realized the manifestation that I needed.

It’s really just that simple.

So, with a deep breath and a clear Mind/Body/Spirit being I am going to relax into the rest of my day, release tomorrow, and realize my wonderful life with the Princesses tonight.

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love, Light and Freakishness.


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