Amidst The Chaos A Quiet Calmness


June 6, 2011

Hey gang! What is goin on?

It’s been a very interesting day. Nothing at all what I had expected. But I am very pleased with it. I have been consistently getting up between 4:30 and 6:00 AM every morning. This may not sound very impressive to some, or even most, of you folks, but let’s be honest – if you didn’t have to get up at that time…would you? I don’t have to get up that early on any day. But I have been feeling the need to really attack the day.

Today I was up and I just kind of chilled for a lil bit. Then around 7:30 I went out and weeded and turned the front flowerbeds as well as one on the side of the house. Then I went and did some visiting. A visit that was long overdue and may lead to a lil income for me every week or so.

I also managed to start getting caught up on my bookkeeping. I am about 3 months behind, which for me is not too bad. However, if I wish to expand, I can not let things get his far behind again. If I focus, perhaps I can get all of that finished tonight.

I have been having very interesting dreamtime lately. I can not recall it all I only know it is happening. And, it is happening quite often. I’m talking even in the middle of the day. Now this, again, is not really out of the ordinary for me. In fact, its quite usual and also generally indicative of good things in the air. Like I said, I can not recall what happens, where I go, or who it I speak with, I only know it is happening. Though, last night I dreamed that I received a check. I can recall the amount for which it was written. In fact I can still see it as big and as bright as day. But here’s what’s interesting to me. My brain took the time to show me who issued the check. You know in the top left corner of checks they have a name and or logo. Well, I saw it. Just as big as the amount; However, I couldn’t read it. It was blurred, it was blotted out. I can recalla brief combination of letters but nothing concrete. I mean it is obvious that I am supposed to acknowledge this information, but what?

I have good feelings. Good feelings that I can not explain. I am very interested in seeing how things develop from here….


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