The Average Politician is a ‘C’ student…


June 5, 2011

This was a statistic I once read. it has never left me. In fact, if anything it has haunted me. For years the thoughts would turn in my brain. I mean, if they are ‘C’ students and we continue to let them run the country unopposed, what will become of the country.

Well, I think today, that is fairly obvious. The truth is, I don’t think I really believed that statistic…until recently. I think they have proven it.

Let’s start with the state of affairs in the nation these days:

It seems every week we rushing our troops and our support to other countries (because of their poor living conditions) and yet on our own streets we have families living homeless and going hungry.

For 2 years I have watched prices in the stores slowly rise. Everything is going up, and mostly due to the fuel prices (they call it transportation expense.) Everything has gone up – coffee, eggs, milk, everything. Yet, each year my father receives a letter from Social Security stating that “since there has been no increase in the cost of living, you will not be receiving an increase in your Social Security Income. Personally, I think the problem there is that these folks don’t know what a “cost of living” expense is, because if we’re not paying it for them we are giving them one hell of a salary to take care of it on their own.

But now there is the latest in this cavalcade of political folly. Sarah Palin’s history lesson and the question on everyone’s mind (though I may be behind the times on this)….

Is it Weiner’s wiener?

And I think that’s enough said on that subject. Smile

In other news – things are as they are. I am not certain as of yet what exactly that means. The workload has been light and henceforth so has the income, but I am getting by. (Still better than it was.)  I have extended myself several times now trying to increase revenue but nothing has taken hold. This is ok. All things in their time I suppose.

I definitely learned a lesson in “greed.” (Personally, I don’t like the word in this instance, but it was one the Shaman used.) I was doing just fine until I tried to push the limits and get more. That was before Easter and I still haven’t fully recovered. In many ways, pushing for more in one particular week has had the adverse effect in following weeks.

The girls and I have vacation coming up in about 10 days. this was supposed to be a big and active vacation. It looks like that plan has changed. I’m ok with that. I explained to the girls that we were going to give this vacation to God. We’re going to go where we need to go when we need to go there. We’re going to have fun and do things, but it won’t be a lot. And, we are going to work around the house and the yard. We have then asked, that in return, we are able to have a very good vacation in August.

We are coming up on Midsummer, so again, I find the timing of everything that is transpiring very appropriate. It is a time to review – see how things have gone thus far and determine how they should go moving forward.

Well…I think that is all for now.

From here in Geistopia, for now and forever, this is your beloved Rev wishing you Love, Light, Peace and Freakishness.


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