One good turn deserves…a worse one


June 16, 2011

- Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which which comes upon you to prove you, as though something strange were happening to you.

                                                                                        - I Peter 4;12

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life – where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m the Rev. Matt, and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia.

Holy son of a mother frickin’ shizzle dang fudge!!!

Before I go too far in the post I must give an absolute “Shout-Out” to Joyce Meyer. It is from her sermon tonight that I received the above quote (or lesson, if you so choose.) And, the whole experience is, once more, proof positive that Divinity will guide us to the proper answers at the proper time – if we so allow it. Now, I could never convey the depth and breadth of the service and do it any justice. Suffice it to say that it was the perfect message at the perfect moment. It was truly what I needed to hear.

I can however, tell you how I came to hear it.

I think it obvious by this point that I had a very rough day. So, having put the girls to bed, I sat to be with Divinity - to chill and repent and pray. It was only a milli-moment later that I found myself staring at the television, listening to Joyce and reading those words as they sprawled the screen.

I had put the girls to bed and came downstairs. I stepped outside for some nicotine and silence. (Incidentally, the nicotine outside was doctor’s “orders”.) I had taken my moment to seek forgiveness for my transgressions of the day and to ask for guidance to move through what will come next. I walked inside and sat down, turning on the TV. As I searched the guide I came across Joyce Meyer. I come across her every night, yet every night I pass her by. (I enjoy her, but timing truly IS everything.) I stopped on her name and thought, “tonight’s the night.” And so it was. Again, I could never do her sermon justice by trying to convey it in its entirety (in such brevity.) But you must believe me when I tell you that every word spoken from that moment forward was as if it was meant just for me.

I am sure by this point you are wondering just what brought me to that moment of revelry in the first place.

What else? (or rather who.)

My ex…more specifically the man she still convinces will one day marry her.

However, my friends, I am afraid I will have to keep you in suspense for the moment. The clock is ticking late and the day starts early. I can’t take the time to tell the story right now, but I promise I will as soon as possible.

In the meantime….

From here in Geistopia, for now and forever, I am your beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love, Light and Freakishness.


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