Another Day, Another Buck Fitty


June 14, 2011

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m the Rev Matt and I’ll be your host. Coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia.

It has been a very interesting run of days. Whatever the bump in my road was it would seem that I have gotten over it. Slowly, once again, I see things starting to gel. This includes my attitude. I know that may sound odd to some of you. It’s not that I have had a poor attitude of late. It is more that my attitude has not been as prime as it usually is. Again, I see that shifting.

Here’s an interesting observation:

The more there is on your mind, the more you must let go of.

It’s true. If you’re worrying about this, or calculating that – analyzing, debating, struggling, re-analyzing, fearing, worrying, over-analyzing – then you are most likely missing all of the answers and blessings. It really is easy. Life, I mean.

For me the contentedness is coming through acceptance. (Which I think may be Theme of the Week.) I’m just accepting things as they are – myself included. I struggle often with my life, more than folks may know. In fact, people question me on it. It was not long ago that my own father asked, “Doesn’t it bother you, not knowing from one moment to the next?”

Yes. yes it does. Very often. But then I remember the basics. You see the truth of the matter is I always know what happens from this moment to the next. It’s usually the moments after that that I am unsure of. However, I don’t need to be. The basics state that we will always have what we need at any one given moment. I find this to be true. The basics tell us not to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. This, too, I find to be true.

So this is step one in acceptance. This moment is perfect, I have what I need, and every moment beyond this one will be just as perfect.

But what about working and income and such? (We make such a stink over these things.)

This has been the hardest part of acceptance for me. I , too, feel like my life should be different at this point. I feel as though I should have a more solid career and better income. It seems, though, that no matter what I try, no matter how I put myself out there, things never advance beyond a certain point. So, last week I sat with this. I  mean I really sat with it. What is it I need to know about this to make it change or, at the very least, make it easier. Simple – The Universe is comprised of balance. Nature is all balance. It happens of it’s own accord.

But what has this to do with me?

Even simpler – For every person out there making $100,000/yr. there must be one like me, struggling to get through the week. Making it, but just barely, and not even really enough. And, for every one like me, there must be one jobless and living on the streets. (“There will be poor always, pathetic and struggling, think of the good things you’ve got.”)

But you see, when you apply the principles of nature and balance it all becomes easier. Eventually and inevitably, those making $100,000 will stop – due to whatever reason. And, when one of them moves out, someone like me moves up. And consequently, one below is allowed the same opportunity. It is the Principle of “One in, One out.” (The Principle applies to life/death. For every death there is a birth and vice versa.)

Also, there is a glorious advantage to living the life that I do. Because I always have “just enough” to get from moment to moment I can move between moments without worry or without stress. This allows me the opportunity to revel in life as it is – not in how we say it is or how it should be – but in how it really is. I get to witness the glory of it each and every moment.

Which, I think, brings me to lesson of the week -

If you need to think about the future, if you need to look ahead, then only look ahead to the next moment. Because it is the only one that really exists. It is the only moment in your future that is concrete and solid. Beyond that moment, all the other moments are still forming. In fact, some of them may need that moment in order to be complete. For a long time I’ve had this little phrase, “Six minutes is an awfully long time, and anything can happen in six minutes.”

Well…as always I have story upon story in my mind this morning. Some intriguing, some mildly interesting, but none that I have the tie to share.

Until next time my friends, for now and forever, from here in Geistopia I am your beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love, Light and Freakishness.


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