Just One Moment (or…Can I Grab you?)


June 12, 2011

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m the Rev. Matt and I’ll be your host,

Once again, things are changing and shifting here in Geistopia.  Sometimes it is a wonder that I can keep up.

I have more work opportunities rolling in which is always a good thing.  In a few days the girls and I have our first of two vacations this summer. We’re treating it as an adventure. Or, as I put it to them, we’re going to give the week to God and see what happens. The original plan was for me to not work and for us to go away. That didn’t work out so well. I do have some work lined up that not only do I need to take care of but also that will help pay for our time together and the things we do get to do.  Some of the work I can take them along for and other things I will have to make some arrangements. But…it’s all good.

Just One Moment is the latest installment of WTML. It is also the first in a series of ten minute (or less) videos to help continue to steer you through this adventure in living. (We are headed someplace…I promise.)

The whole idea (I guess) is to keep you up to date, let you follow whats going on, while I continue to get the original series edited.

In this video, we touch on some very random things. If there is one thing to make particular note of it is One Moment & The Girl. I do not tell you much in this video, and I will not tell you much in this writing. But, whatever that is, I think it was the whole purpose to this filming.

In this episode: ‘a Special presentation’; “Come into my parlor…”; The Freedom Show??; An Arteest; The Official Safari Jim (attempt 1); Observation of the Week; Just one moment – what would any of us give?; Theme of the Week; My deal with the Devil; Another Just One Moment; One Unexplainable Experience; FInally…the intro (And Whoopi and her pants); Special Dedications; “Dangerous”; Breaking It All Down; And Yet Another ‘Moment’; Talking About Her Once More; A Conclusion…of sorts.


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