If at first you don’t succeed…


June 16, 2011

Hey Gang! Welcome to my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m the Rev. Matt and I’ll be your host – coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia.

It is Thursday, June 16, 2011. Time…..surreal.

I’ve been having quite a few days. (I left out the adjective because I can not find one suitable.) The days have not been bad, nor good. They have not been too casual, nor too busy. They have just been.

Several times I had wanted to sit down and write and just couldn’t seem to manage it. Suddenly, this morning, I find myself with a gap in the schedule (One I wish I would have known about in advance) so here I am….writing.

There are all sorts of thoughts and things on my mind today and I think that may have been the block in writing.

Where to begin?

What to talk about?

Many of the things on my mind are so unrelated it seems nonsensical to group them all together in one writing, yet, they need to come out and multiple writings may be cumbersome.

Today I start my “vacation” with the girls.

(Once again…I started this post 5 hours ago and its still not finished…lost my groove. Complete my thoughts later)


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