Final Review


July 31, 2011

**The material contained herein is the creative property of Rev Matthew Geist, The Center for Creative Inspirationalism, and all affiliates.**


Hey Gang! Welcome to my Life – where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m the Rev. Matt, coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia. Welcome to my life is a project, an experiment in Life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. It’s premise is that life is experiential and that you can and do experience the life you choose. It is based on the use of The Wheel of Life and the ARTS for the New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist…House Production. JustUs Production , the parent company, would like to give a “Shout-Out” to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan

C.T. Briggs



The Baker of the Cornbread

The Van Man (may he rest in peace)

The Messengers of The Galactic Federation

Osteen, The Son

The Sitter

The White Rose

“Punky Brewster”

The Fallen Angel

Sir Thomas

JoJo Dancer

Mr. Nice Guy

Senior Swankypants

The “Original” Mr. Baggins

The Socialite

The White Girl

Lil’ Buffalo

The Boys from da Hood

Oh Danny Boy

General Ralph Glossop

The One Who Caught My Attention


LisaLisa Monet

The Ziatonic Antagonist




Dancing Queen

Mr. English

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, A Very Generous Sponsor who whishes to remain anonymous. (Sorta.)

It is Sunday, July 31, 2011. Time…”Celebratory.”

What is goin on folks? So this is it. This is the time that I sit down and review (to the best of my current ability) the quest that was. (And that one that seems to be.) This is actually my second attempt at this. The first one had a good flow going, but in closing out I didn’t save – due to misunderstanding what I was doing….and moving too fast.  (Which is actually kinda funny.)

I think it’s also important to mention, and acknowledge, at this point that it seems the journey may be over…but the quest is just beginning….

It was a successful quest. I went, I survived, I returned. Along the way I learned, I grew, I shared, I experienced, I triumphed, I failed, I remembered, I forgot, I healed, I moved. Even without the words and stories that will follow this, could there be any greater success.?

Prior to the last post attempt I had looked up both ‘Quest’ and ‘Spiritual’ on Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary to see how their definitions, in relation to what happened, affected my life.

They were both pretty accurate in describing the trip.

I investigated, traveled, researched, probed and questioned.

I refreshed my Spirit. I touched and tuned in with The One [Spirit that is was and ever shall be.] I was inspired.

It was a Spiritual Quest. It is a call I know because I have known it many times in the past. I have followed it far and wide. {I think it is this “following” that confuses people – makes them uncomfortable and helps them misunderstand and mis-view my life.}

I can honestly say that it had every aspect of a good quest. I traveled from town to town, following the trail as it led me to what may be the greatest treasure I have ever discovered. I made new alliances. I helped strangers and was helped in return. I can mark ‘The Beginning’ and I can mark ‘The End.’ I can even mark the high-point or pinnacle of the Journey. New skills were learned. Old ones were refined and revisited.

All I needed was a scribe and it would have been so Renaissance. (Oh….wait….)

Early in the journey I had realized that this was not only a good quest to be taking but also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate The Wheel of Life, The ARTs, and even WTML itself. I was breaking bounds, reaching new heights and setting standards at every turn. And, around every corner there was a surprise, a gift, a lesson. The was something around every new turn (even the wrong ones.)

The trip was riddled with Themes, Lessons and Observations. And why shouldn’t have been? There were Goals from the outset.

Intentions were determined. Principles were drawn upon, as were Resources. And in the end…commitment would always be challenged.

And so is set The Wheel of Life.

The scope of The ARTs used and demonstrated is almost too broad to be defined and determined. There was record keeping…and the solving of puzzles…knowledge of the heavens…and sorcery….knowledge of gems and of animals and of angels and gods.

And on and on and on.

One Observation that was experienced along the way is  - “God” is Never Direct. {For my own sanity I am using the term God. I will put it in quotes, please substitute whatever name works based on where you are. Many thanks, the author. hehe.}

This became an Observation because it was such a very apparent Theme…or was it a Lesson. (Nonetheless it is now a Principle.)

From the beginning, nothing was direct about this trip. Even the invitation to take it inevitably became a ruse. What started as a true mission – a group effort to better the lives of a community of others – soon became a lone journey into the void and abyss of the womb of life.

I was invited to participate in a work camp mission, converting an old church into a women’s/children’s shelter. I loved this idea. I loved every aspect of it. The mission, the purpose, the cohorts, the schemes. I prayed instantly for the wherewithal to take this on. It all quickly flooded in – the money, the time, the ability.

Long story short – it was a short lived plan. It was not to be.

So what instead?

And, so it was that this became the first inquiry of the quest.

“Mystic…,” spake The Ancient Ones.



Ahhhh…yes. Mystic…..

But, of course. Mystic. It holds such a very dear place in my Spiritual Journey. I will never forget the day Mystic captured and entranced me. I returned there once, ever so briefly, with Mama and an unborn Cuddlebug.

Then there was ‘The Call.’

This was not the first time I had been directed to Mystic. I recalled the first time quickly and vividly – The Shaman, the drawing, the question, the answer. I never did make that trip. At the time my answer was as soon as I “can”. (or, “When I have time/money/etc.)

Then…I was imprisoned.

But why? Why now? Here I was so much later on. What lies in Mystic? There was only one way to know for sure. And why not? I suddenly found I had both the time and the money reserved for just such a trip.

At first, I laughed. I laughed so hard at the cleverness of “Life.” How she spins and weaves and deceives. How he knows us so much better than we know ourselves and so wisely manipulates us into place.

You see, “God” knew. “God” knew what would happen if the voices whispered “Mystic” early on. Once again, I would give the time and money excuses. I would hope and dream and promise…but not act upon it. I would excuse it and rationalize it. And, ultimately, I would dismiss it. (After all, who am I to afford myself such a journey?)

But…a-ha…haha…but, if “God” presented me with a real a quest, a true mission in the name of The One Spirit, I could never resist that. I was craving it actually. I wanted it. I was seeking it. I had a taste in my mouth for something so much bigger than any of the other ministry I had been…experiencing. {for lack of a better word.}

So dead on. So accurate. I had played right into the Divine hands.

I laughed so hard.

“Oh God, you tricky devil.”

Aye! So Mystic it was to be. {I would learn, too little too late, that, too, was a bit of skullduggery.}

I couldn’t imagine what it was that Divinity wanted for me in Mystic or on this trip, but I knew I must go. With everything that was happening in my life – work complications, struggling with money, fighting with family – all of the stuff I just didn’t need, I looked to what I wanted from this journey. I set my Goals.

{In retrospect, I am not sure if this is an anticipated and welcomed move or if it was ego-based and presumptuous.}

I wanted some direction in my life. I’ve known for some time that something was missing. (Or, that I was missing something.)

And there was. There was so much craziness taking place then. So many shifts and alterations in life and time and need and income and everything.

And the fight with my dad. Oy-vay! This is so beyond me. {All I know at this point is that this energy with my is most definitely patterned and cyclical. I understand it none beyond that.}

I needed peace…and guidance.

I had recently discovered that, though income has been decent, I still struggle with money. I needed direction and understanding.

And with such an opportunity, how could I not wish to experience the Divine sensation of “The Powers That Be” in our lives?

And…The Goals are set and The Wheel begins to turn.

What did I really want from this trip? What was my Intent(ion?)

I contemplated this and regarded it with much seriousness. I mean, after all, it had been so long since ‘The Quest’ had chosen me. This was big.

So, what did I want?

I wanted to know. I wanted to know “God” as I had days long ago. I wanted to know myself as I had once remembered myself to be. I wanted to swim in the waters of Divine Experience.

I suppose I wanted to test my mettle.

But I wanted to test my worthiness as well.

So much time had passed. I had become so many things since then. I had lived multiple incarnations [lives] and several of those had carried such a darkness.

Was I still worthy?

Was I still the man, the being, I had been on that first journey. Had I grown? Evolved? Digressed?

I needed to know.

It wasn’t a Theme that came in next. (Unless of course you count The Observation, which was already in place and yet hidden so well.)

Instead, it was a Lesson.

Faith. (But, of course.)

So long ago that was established. The Lesson of the Journey is Faith.

It is one of many common threads among the weavings of Master Teachers.

Though Faith All Things Are Possible

For Magick to Work, One Must Believe

Know Things Into Being

Ask & Ye Shall Receive



But this, too, was deeper than it seemed at first glance. For the journey would become a lesson, perhaps even a testament to, faith.

Through various forms of meditation, divination and discernment the journey began to reveal itself to me – The what, the where, the little markers that unbeknownst to me would become validations along the way:

3 days…




The Route to follow…

JoJo Dancer and a New Perception…

Sometimes it becomes to keep track of because once a person is open things flow very quickly and easily in that direction.

Through the presence of what can only be called an incredibly powerful synchronicity, I end up – just two nights prior to departing –with the opportunity for a great spiritual blessing, or anointment, but also to receive one more Goal. (Or mayhaps it was an Intention.)

What is the power of The Christ? (And, what of this Jesus fellow?)

{So very interesting and I still had so many hours before I would actually leave.}

The cameras came along. As did this randomness and that possibility.

I was excited. Intrigued. Mysti-fied, if you will.

I packed and prepared and presumed. (Such a silly human notion – presumption. Almost as inane as assumption.)

I had no clue what I was in for and it and took three days to fully move out of the experience.

It left a taste for me. But, I believe that it was known it would. If there were self truths to be realized and recognized one would have been that ‘The Quest’ is a part of who I am. It is as much a deep rooted and ingrained trait as my greying hair and hazel eyes. It flows through me as naturally (and vitally) as blood. I must quest.

I must journey.

I must serve.

The path traveled changed many times along the way. Yet, every aspect I had been given or had been whispered along the way had been experienced.

I touched, just for a moment – one truly Divine moment – the beach and the sand and the water.

I met someone. Someone I believe I will see again. (Perhaps sooner than later.)

There was a ship. And even a lighthouse. (sans the seaport.)

JoJo would lead me to Salem and send me on a semi-guided tour that would have me wondering when I would return. Which is something I never thought I would say. (And she would not be present. Baited and switched once more.)

I would get to Mystic before the trip would end. Albeit a brief and glancing touch, soft and enticing, mysterious – much as Peter’s kiss for the elder Darling.

Ah, yes, Peter. He appeared thrice – each time in different form. He watched closely this time around. And why should he not? For, “To live would be an excellent adventure.”

But that was not to be the Pan’s lesson on this journey. Nay! ‘Tis ne’er the lesson of Pan.

For, “To die would be an excellent adventure.”

Others would appear. So many others. So many faces and names and incarnations. Part of ‘The Quest’ is communication with Divinity. And the Divine used every language it could. In the end, the appearances read much like a spiritual roll-call:

There was The Pan( As Peter, The Pan-Child himself, and The One from which all came.)

The Christ and The Christed One, His Lord Jesus of Nazareth.

The Maiden – in imagery and form.

Buddha and the Hindus (Thank you, Lord Ganesha.)

The Native Americans and Shamanism.

The Egyptians( by way of Horus, Bast, Anubis and Khnum.)

The Hebrews

“The Peanut Butters”






Magickal and Mythical Creatures

The Greco-Romans

And finally, after much elusiveness (for it all comes at the last moment) The Angels.

{And that became a Principle, Theme, Lesson and Observation of this journey.}

Along the way I discovered a purpose. A true purpose. And I was left facing the repercussions of committing to it.

I stumbled upon peace in ‘The 12 Teachings of The Christ.’

I found resolve. (choices and directions.)

Love was recognized on more than one occasion.

I found completion and felt more whole than I have in more years than I can actually recall. I do remember those days though. The days of “dopin’ along,” when people would wonder and ponder believing that what they perceived was whimsical and fanciful. But, it was nothing of the sort. It was a call. A call to duty…to servitude.

The Buddha left me with detachment. He always does. It is a teaching I have been unable to discern over the years. I often asked, “Detachment from what?”

“Everything,” he would mutter insouciantly as he tinkered about with the mundane.

I think I finally grasp, “Everything.” Or, enough that I can contemplate myself into understanding.

I returned home as I have so many times before – reeling and reveling it what had occurred and all the while contemplating and dreaming on what is to come.

Messages were very clear. (Even those I have yet to decipher.)

I was left with purpose, direction, and most importantly motivation and drive to follow through.

I am faced with more questions and curiosities but also with promise and hope.

I have been given (and accepted) a challenge.

I had ‘Unfinished Business’ hurled upon me.

I presented a challenge of my own and in turn signed a deal with “the Tricky Devil.”

And, of course, I have the taste now. Like blood to a vampire it lures me to feed on the jugular of life itself.

Back in reality, I have a very interesting week ahead of me. Phase two as it would come to be told. I saw tests in action all throughout my journey with the girls on Friday night. It was amusing to me the way it all presented itself once more for review. (And what a fantastic training for those two wild and wonderful young ladies.)

I have a full and interesting week of work and the possibility of some adventure or another in the coming week(s.)

There are still notes to go through and documenting to share. I am still uncertain as to how I will approach that matter. Obviously, there is video. But there is also much to say. Data and information to present and analyze – starting with the totems.

I think I will give a more technical breakdown of the experience in an upcoming post. A breakdown of the energies as they presented themselves – the totems and such – as well as the lessons, themes and observations. The way certain moments just unfolded and came together simultaneously.

That will come and soon, too, will the videos.

In the meantime, a part of my challenge is to journal at least once a day. This will most likely be in the morning.

For now and for always, from here in Geistopia, I am your beloved Rev wishing you Love, Light, Peace and Freakishness.

(And all of this just before Lugnasadh…)


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