Reviewing the Quest (or ‘And So It Begins’)


July 27, 2011; 2011

Music for the Moment: WDST 100.1 FM Woodstock (discovered along the way)

Well…I left. I survived. I returned.

Right from the start it was a successful journey. Open-mouthed smile

I can honestly say it was nothing like I had envisioned in my mind. Case in point – I left here Sunday at Noon and arrived in Mystic, CT on Tuesday at 3:30 PM.

There was quite a bit of sidetracking involved.

One in particular.

A big one.

Bigger than I can realize at the moment. (Well…at least I realize that.)

It still boggles my mind. It was nowhere near where I wanted to go, and yet…it was exactly the place I needed to be.

{And I’m still not 100% clear on why.}

(Many reasons.)


I’m fascinated by the trip as a whole. I’m still trying to process it all. Put everything into perspective. This will take me a while. I have note to rifle through and video to watch before I can really put it all together.

I know it was a success though. I can tell. I can feel it. I feel different. (And even that I haven’t processed fully.)

There were a lot of energies leading up to and feeding this quest. As I traveled, I learned there were many more than I had originally thought. The quest was so purposeful. It was full of fantasy and adventure and magick and mystery and, of course, Divinity. I am actually anxious to review everything (especially the video) and really gel with it all.

When I decided to take the trip it was because it seemed the thing to do at the time. It seemed right…and even just. But then, when I first decided to take the trip I was headed to Kennebunkport, ME with Siggy and The Putter to participate in a work camp mission. Over the course of the following weeks that quickly changed – by no power of my own. The question was, “now what?”

The answer…was Mystic. (But, of course!)

So now I would go, but I would be going because I was called to go. (Ask & Ye Shall Receive.)

Once I had accepted that I was on my way to the quest I put out to the Universe what I was looking for from this journey. (Not that that would really matter in the grand scheme of things.)

{Of course not…duh!}

I wanted to find some peace. Perhaps some direction. I prayed that somehow it would help heal this house. And, before I left, I was asked to reconcile my “Jesus Issue.”

But all of this was just the beginning. I never even thought of how truly deep it could possibly get.

On other levels, the Quest served as a reminder. A reminder of how to quest…and why. A reminder of who I truly am. (My I had forgotten that.) It was a glimpse into the progression of the Quest.

It was a lesson in videography. Especially on the road videography.

It was a bone. (Sit, Ubu, sit!)

It becomes a great demonstration of The Wheel of Life. There are Goals, Themes, Principles and Observations. There are even Intentions, Lessons, Resources and, of course, Commitment. {Or, in some cases, the lack thereof.}

It is even a lesson in so many of The ARTs.

I could probably spend weeks, or even months, taking apart the layers and levels of this journey.

I learned (or realized) a lot. I was blessed around every corner…even the “wrong” ones. My eyes were opened (but not those eyes.)

The only remaining question is, “Am I able to carry through…pull it off…be it…do it?”

But then, wasn’t that the question that called me to the road in the first place.

(And what was the answer?)


I realized that all of the issues [family/money], challenges [anger/smoking/relationships], blocks [sacral chakra], patterns[employment/encounters], etc. – though seemingly disconnected and unrelated – are all part of the same tree. I also learned that the roots go to deep to pull it up. So….

(Chop that fucker down!)

I was given a lot to work with…in a lot of arenas.

It was a very good ‘trip.’



That is my summation. Now on to the rest – the storytelling.

I’m not exactly sure how that goes as of yet. I know there is video…and of course blogged commentary.

There will be written stories and audio/visual companions.

I know there will be at least 3 ‘Episodes'.’ (There will also be a lil ‘Trailer.’) I am going to try some new stuff across the board. As well as try to refine some old stuff.

I want to tell the story as it was experienced by me. [blog.]

But I also need to process and analyze the information and experience.

I want to share my actual notes.

I just don’t know how all of that comes together, or in what order.

For now, suffice it to say, I am pleased. I believe the gods are as well. I learned much. Saw a lot. I remembered and revisited. I reformulated and redefined. I discovered.

I believed.

{and still do.}


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