Still Repeating


July 28, 2011; 2113

It seems it was another day of processing. I mean, that’s not all I did but there was certainly a lot of it. Of course, most of that came from watching the video. There is almost 13 hours of video. 13 hours that I must cut down to 3 47 minute episodes. Oy-vay! The video is good though. There’s lots of fun and interesting things on it.

It’s been interesting reviewing the trip this way. I like seeing how it all happened and came together. I like seeing how it unfolded – how, when and where. I can tell already that there was a lot more to this trip than I have realized. I can still feel the energies. I swear it’s worse than jet lag. I am anxious to really lay it all out and see just what happened.

I am about half way through the video footage. I’m anxious to put it together. I think this all happens sort of in reverse. Not the trip itself, but the review of it all. I think I am going to lay it all out and go from there. So, we will review first – see just what I walked away with. The we will get into the series of three videos. Then there is a video from a few days prior. (Sort of a prequel.)

I want to document, analyze and review. I really did walk away with a lot – a lot faith, a lot of experience, a lot of growing, a lot of new questions. Hopefully I will have time tomorrow morning to go over it a little better. (Quite honestly, I should have been taking better notes while watching the videos…lol.) But, I wanted to just watch and listen.

Well, in an effort to “do things better” I am actually off to bed very shortly, hoping that I will wake early in the morning and be able to tackle the day for a change.


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