Mission: Kennebunkport


Hey Gang! Welcome tom my life, where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m the Rev. Matt, and I’ll be your host – coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia. Welcome to my Life is a project, an experiment in life and ART. A living storyboard, if you will. It is based on the use of the Wheel of Life and the ARTs for the New Millennium as life building tools.

Welcome to my Life is an I TV Studios/Geist…House Production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a “Shout-Out” to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The SHaman

The Pillar

The entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan

C.T. Briggs



The Baker

The Van Man (may he rest in peace)

The Messengers of the Galactic Federation

Osteen, The Son

The Sitter

The White Rose

Punky Brewster

The Fallen Angel

JoJo Dancer

Sir Thomas

Mr. Nice Guy

Senior Swankypants

The Boys from da Hood

The Original Mr. Baggins

The Socialite

The One Who Caught My Attention

Siggy (you dog)

The White Girl

LisaLisa Monet

The  Ziatonic Antagonist




Dancing Queen

Mr. English

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, A Very Generous Sponsor Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous

It is Saturday, July 9, 2011. Time…’Curious.’

I am writing today because I can. I mean I have the time, but also, it seems as though I will be on the run tomorrow. I was supposed to be on the run today but somehow the Universe decided that I needed a day at home. It’s been kind of nice actually. I have done a lot of just relaxing and also some video work. It felt very nice. So now I will do my blog and move on to some more video work and a lil bit of the Fairly OddParents movie on Nickolodeon. (Yes! That’s what I said.)

I see great shifts ahead. I only wish I could see what they possibly could be. The Powers That Be have had me on the run for awhile now which has in turn had me thinking. There needs to be great change ahead. I need things to change. I find that I am running myself ragged and still I do not seem to be generating the income I desire. Or, I make some decent money for a little but find myself way behind in everything else. There must be balance.

I think I am going to return to the tier system. As long as I can earn my minimum each week I will be content and use the rest of the time to keep up on other things. Which should also keep my head clearer which I am finding I desire lately.

I will not make choices or decisions or changes right now. I have a feeling a lot of that will take care of itself over the coming weeks. You see there is a challenge before me. A mission if you will.

It seems King Putter and Siggy are headed off to be part of a work camp. A couple of weeks ago, Siggy asked me if I wanted to come along. I do. I really do. I think it satisfies needs on so many levels.

It definitely satisfies the longing I’ve been having for a good quest. (And even more so with each passing day.) Originally, the plan was for me to ride up with them, and in such, return with them as well. However, I realized that I have a video job that Friday night which would require me to return on Thursday. This is a whole three days before they are returning. This would require me to drive my van. I don’t actually mind this, but there’s the whole gas thing…not to mention tolls. I’ve looked at air travel, rental cars, and buses. None is really that much cheaper than driving. In fact, air fare and rental cars would cost me more. The bus is about $50 (or more) less than the gas expense.  But that requires someone to drive me to the bus station in the morning (30 minutes away) and also pick me up in Allentown that night. Which I suppose is workable.

If not, then I must drive. But this is a lot of wear and tear on a vehicle that is already worn and torn. (And also very needed.) I think of the adventure I could have on that kind of a drive. It’s right up my alley. But then there could be quite an adventure riding up with the duo of danger as well. And, as for the bus ride, well…I’ve never taken a 10 hour bus ride before. Who knows what could happen.

I think I’m leaning towards that. I need to look at it one more time.

There’s a lot more that plays into it. I’m not sure what happens with food or expenses up there. And it means a whole week without any work.

The timing of it all is very interesting to me. It comes when I have a lot of questions in my mind. It comes at a time when I am trying to veer myself back onto the path which life lays out before me. I know I need to go. That is not the question. The question is how exactly do I make it work out? Or, better yet, how do I let it work itself out?

Somehow, in some way, the adventure will be recorded – from beginning to end. It may come in written form, video, pictures…something. I will keep you updated on the progress of this lil adventure. (You know…there are a lot of advantages to not driving…)


Let’s see…in other news….

I don’t know.

I’m really not sure.

She’s still on my mind. One moment in time.

I still don’t know what to make of it. But The Powers That Be (greater than myself) make it very obvious that there is some sort of unfinished business. Though, I can not even begin to fathom what…nor how it could possibly be done.

Only time will tell.

Perhaps that is Observation of the Week. That is simply the plainest truth of it. No matter what the situation may be, or what you may think you know about the outcome, the truth is…only time will tell.

In so many ways, Time is one of those pwers that, no matter what else we believe, will always be greater than ourselves. Which is funny since it doesn’t really exist.  It is a concept. A theorom. A thing created to explain experience. And, yet, we kow-tow to it every time we are faced with it.

Where does the time go?

Time flies when you’re having fun.

We can’t turn back the hands of time.

Time changes everything.

Time is money.

Time for this…

and time for that…

Feeding time

break time



and in the end…only time will tell. Only time will tell the tales. Only time can write history. Time can even change the face of the planet.

All things in their time.

And that might even be Theme of the Week. All things in their time. I’ve definitely come across that message several times this past week and in several ways.  {Curious.}

Lesson of the Week. Lesson….Lesson…

What was my lesson?


“Faith is the lesson of the journey…”

From here in Geistopia, for now and forever, I am your beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love,Light and Freakishness.


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