A morning Check-In


July 28, 2011; 1013

It is day 2 since I returned home and I feel like I am just now getting back into the groove. Yesterday was very much a blur. It seemed to come and go so quickly.

I still have things to unpack and put away. I still have lots of notes to go through. I have to get ready for tomorrow. I need to get ready for the girls to come.

It’s all very weird because I have no clue about anything. Before I left one of my jobs was up in the air and, though they wanted to talk before I left, they did not contact me. So, I’m not sure if I even have any work next week.

I have a few dollars left to my name. A paycheck comes tomorrow, but it is a very small one. There is chance of making money tomorrow night. There’s actually chance to make a good bit of money tomorrow night. Only time will tell.

I have been listening/watching the videos from the trip and I have been coming across some very interesting things. It will be fun to see how it all turns out.

There is no doubt that the quest continues. Very easy to recognize.

I am contemplating going to Dorney Park today. Only because I can. I have the time and the season pass. It’s something I said I would do for myself now that I can.

Other than that just trying to move slowly and still process all that I learned along the way…as well as put it into action (which I need to go get to now.)

Peace and Blessings


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