Movin’ Right Along

Wednesday, October 9, 2013; 2127

It was another god day. I busted ass today. I still have at least a day’s worth of work, but I definitely busted ass. (And perhaps my back,)

I managed to get through most of the stuff in the Basement, and, at the same time, get the work shed straightened out. I mean, I have a little left to do in there but for the most part it is finished, except for some tweaking. In fact, I think I can officially upgrade it from a work SHED to a workSHOP.

I could almost say the same for the basement. I’ve managed to get through the bulk of that mess. For the most part the rest of the basement will consist of organizing things on shelves.

I still have some ‘get rid of’ stuff to go through. How exactly I am getting rid of it at this point I am not certain.

I have come a long way this past week and cannot regret my decision to work on these things. It is amazing the difference – in everything. Everything is getting cleaned up and organized – A Place For Everything & Everything In Its Place. I’ve found things I needed or have been searching for and I am at a place where projects can get done. In fact, I may just take a break from restructuring tomorrow and just work on some projects…because I can.

Theme of the Week: It Takes Time.

It most certainly does and that time is simply perfect.

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev wishing you Peace, Love, Light and Freakishness, baby!


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