“You Need 28 Days…”


Typically. Yes.

That seems to be the standard for ‘transitional experiences.’

But, before I go any further, I believe that some time ago I wrote that moving forward the format would change slightly. This was a change to differentiate the “production’ of a full post (and, Freedom the Host) from a more run-of-the-mill journal entry. To accomplish this we were going to go with a font change from this of Freedom to…

This of the Rev.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013.

Life has been odd and intriguing of late. On the work front things have gone kind of as suspected. There’s a lull. A hiatus of sorts. There is nothing on the road for me to do and nothing for me in the office as of right now. There was possibility but then something changed and I haven’t heard anything since then.

Financially, I am ok at the moment. There are funds available…but there is just as much to do. I must get through until the 15th on anything I have and can earn until then. This should be possible. It’s just a matter of patience and balance. My next hurdle, really, is the end/beginning of the month. If there is no work in the office or on the road by the end of next week this could be a bit challenging.

Within the ‘Depths of Geistopia’ things have been shifting quite a bit as well. The MattCave is shaping up quite nicely. It has been cleaned up and reorganized. The clutter has moved, things have found their place (for now) and it just flows better. It is currently multi-functional. There is still a lot of work to do but I have a space I can actually use. The work for the electrician is just about complete and as far as I can tell the water problem has been resolved. Slowly, but surely, I am gathering the tools needed.

The family room/office has maintained its composure lately. The girls bedroom is in order. And, finally, we have gotten to the playroom in the attic. It, too, is far from done but just what has been finished has made a big difference.

This leaves me with the basement area. This will be difficult and simplistic all at the same time. However, once it is done then all areas are in order and functionality should be at a maximum.

I’m not entirely certain what exactly this past week has been about but it has been needed. The mere fact that I feel centered, grounded, AND caught up enough to sit and write should be enough to demonstrate that.

Overall, I feel good about things right now – comfortable, confident.

28 days from the start of it takes us to 15 years. (depending on how you look at it.)

I truly like where things are at the moment. 


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