

Wednesday, October 16, 2013; 2220.

Waning Moon (No other correspondences available.); Cool, quiet, partly cloudy.

Zenful, but a lil fidgety; sense of accomplishment and togetherness.

It really has been quite the…process of late. It’s just been this flux of shifting. I’m very content in it all but it has been varying degrees of intensity and on different levels. It has been a struggle for me lately to communicate and express the experience.

Watching what has happened around here, at least for me, for like the last two weeks has been awesome. So much stuff found its place. Things are ready to shift again. Spaces are functional. There is breath of life afloat in Geistopia once more.

I seriously get hyperactive when I think about it. Why? Because I can do anything. I have had so many “projects’ pop up along the way, large and small. And, each, in its own way and time, has been getting taken care of.

There is such a flow of things around here recently. It’s almost endless. I think that is why I get hyperactive and have trouble settling into place. Because in any given moment I can think of 20 things to do and I actually have the capability of doing 10 of them.

Why put off until tomorrow, eh?

Sometimes I do. I look for breaking points in the action.

But it all happens so fast and wonderfully. Suddenly there is an environment in which a spirit such as mine can thrive. It truly is like…picking up where I left off. I don’t know how else to put it. It is like stepping back into the past. Rip van Winkle awaking once more.

As I groove in the MattCave it is easy for me to remember why I believe what I do about the Universe and how it works. I see Principles in action every day. Of course, the most frequent (and probably favored) is Ask & Ye Shall Receive.  I am seeing it constantly. Not always in real big ways. Very often it is in smaller, subtler, almost unnoticeable moments.

For instance, I have a blanket hanging in the “doorway” between the two sides of The Cave. The space isn’t really configured to take a door at the moment and the smaller side of The Cave is a definite heat escape. There is no insulation at all and gaps around the doorway. Now this year, I stuffed insulation around said gaps. We will see what happens.

Anyway, it is nice to have the divider between the two rooms, not only for ambience but due to things like sawdust as well. It’s a heavier blanket. It does its job. It is nailed up on the one side of the door and I was just kind of pulling it across and tucking it. (Don’t ask.) I don’t really want it up there permanently. I also like to merge the spaces from time to time. But, I was having this problem of crossing through it and pulling it down when I didn’t want to. So, the problem needed to be resolved.

Suddenly, I found myself with a small hook in my hand which I screwed in on the other side of the doorway. I had a big honkin’ pair of scissors that I had just brought out from the house. (Salvaged from the garbage actually.) I put holes in the blanket. Problem fixed. It hooks up when I want it and comes down all the same.

Now, I could have probably done that at any time. I could have thought of it and accomplished it. But it wasn’t until my head was clear enough to approach it, it wasn’t until I officially deemed it something to resolve, that it all came together.

I like that this happens again. I function best on this roller coaster. It takes its toll no doubt, but it has its definite strengths.

Not a single day has been what I had planned, hoped or intended, but every day has been perfect. Just enough has gotten done each day. For a little while I found myself behind the eight ball and I think the last couple of days have been a sort of decompression period.

I was so moved and motivated by the idea of getting everything straightened and sorted that I did nothing for a whole week but work at that. I just couldn’t help myself. It was like dominoes or one of those cartoony snowballs rolling down a mountain – picking up momentum and mass as it goes.

I had a day. I started on something – the shed I believe – and before I knew it I was knee deep in progress across the board. At that point there was nothing to do but finish the job. However, that put everything else on hold for a week. So now I have spent this past week getting through my paperwork and finances and what-nots and am finally caught up. (Sort of.)

All Things in Good Time

I was concerned for a bit about the lack of work. No work means no income. No income usually means hard times. Yesterday afternoon I finished. I felt caught up and accomplished. Smooth sailing from here on out. Last night I learned I may be scheduled for a trip to Alabama next week. I kinda saw that one coming a few days ago. Once I was finished with the task at hand the work arose.

I look back over the process of the past two weeks and I realize it was perfectly timed. Yes, it puts a pinch on me financially but now it is done. That which I have been pushing for so unsuccessfully for so long. Now, I can go on this trip next week and feel stress free because I know when I get back I can pick up right where I left off without skipping a beat. No messes to face or fix first.

What is most intriguing to me is that life seems to be happening on schedule this year as well. Every year, for longer than I can even calculate, I have always found myself behind. I would know where I need to get to and what I needed to get done before the next season set in but I would always find myself sideswiped by life. I would always be behind in doing things like changing out seasonal clothing, getting out holiday stuff or even gifting for the holidays, the garden, the annual fund drives. All of it. I would just feel like I was catching up to myself when I would trip over another of these moments and find myself face first in a shit hole.

This year it all seems to be working like clock work. For instance – last year we didn’t buy Halloween costumes until The Saturday before Halloween. I’m not even sure when we bought our pumpkins last year. This year – the costumes are bought and already worn once. The pumpkins are picked and the tools are gathered.

This year – I’m even already starting on my Christmasing. Projects are on the mind and under way.

I think once you catch a glimpse of the subtle perfections of life it becomes harder to disregard the absolute perfection of all moments in time.


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