Returning to ‘Normal’


Monday, October 7, 2013; 2105

It was a good day. I am satisfied.

Finally, The MattCave is workable. It is as “together” as it is going to get for a little while. Now, all I am doing is waiting on tools. One is on its way. Of course, as tools arrive and the new electric is run, and the basement gets organized, ‘The Cave’ will change some more. But, for now, it is perfection.

Geistopia is ‘open for business’ once more.

I not only can work in ‘The Cave’ but I can function from it as well. It gives me a good solid anchor, a place to relax and recharge – as any good cave should. Today I was even able to take a moment to just sit and watch and enjoy the rain.

In fact, right this very moment I am chillaxin’ and listening to WOBC in Ohi-Oh.

I am pleased.

I don’t think I can say that enough right now. Everything just…feels right. I’m ok with absolutely everything exactly as it is. (Until it changes of course.)

I’ve decided that it is time to get to the Basement. Mostly because at least three times over the last several days I have been doing something and thought, “Oh…that’s in the basement.” Seems to me it’s time to start getting that job finished.

There’s been no news on the work front, but I don’t find myself feeling all that concerned at the moment.

I apologize for the brevity, and possibly monotony of these entries. It just seems there is so much and nothing at all going on all at the same time. Things happening but nothing to discuss.

Well until another perfect tomorrow….

From here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev wishing you peace, love, light and freakishness.


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