Metaphysical Study 1


February 25, 2014 (7 Day)

0852 (3rd hr. – Venus)

Dark of the Moon.

Ok things are going in a different direction than I had intended when I sat down. Time for a brief study:

First we must set the determination that, whether you believe in the Spiritual Energies of life or not, they are there and they are working. This is my belief. The force is there and working, naturally and of its own accord, no different than oxygen, or ultra violet rays, or magnetic energy.

And, just as these three, degrees of this force can be found within every single thing in existence – living or inanimate; organic or manufactured.

I think that perhaps sometimes we find it difficult to follow or understand because not only is it so old that we have lost much of what we have learned about it, but also, it is so complex. It is a never-ending matrix of subtleties at play.

For instance, let us look at today.

If I want to understand what today is, was or could be about I would start by looking at the numbers. Mostly because they are the easiest to calculate. In it’s whole form today works out to be a 7 day.

7 is a very powerful number. It is a sacred number, though I have yet to be able to determine why. It is a number of healing and, what I call, a minor number of completion. For 9 is the actual completion. It is the number of days, archangels, colors in the rainbow, notes on the scale. There are 7 chakras that make up the main body of our energetic being.

So today is about “something.” There should be some degree of resolution, conclusion, elevation…something. If I just step out of the way and let the day play itself out there should be….something.

Taking just the day itself, again we find 7. Something should definitely happen today. I should discover just one more piece to the puzzle that makes up me. It can only be one more piece because it is a 7 and not a 9.

However, if we take the day and the month we find ourselves at 9. Perhaps things are bigger than I think. 9 is the number of completion and therefore also a number of healing. 9 is the end of the cycle. At 10 we begin again. We re-enter “The Void.” At 9 we have completed a portion of the puzzle. We can see its foundation and formation. We can see where pieces are missing and visualize what they may look like. We can start to fit and form the next pieces into place. It is at 9 we can begin to see the picture as a whole.

I think most would stop here. Seems like a bunch of gibberish – a whole lot of information about nothing. To a degree, I suppose this is true. But you can scale that down to the basest information – Healing and Completion. This is what this day is about.

But what does that tell us…really?

Not a whole lot, but enough to work with if we choose. But let’s go deeper. It is Tuesday, ruled by the planet Mars.

Mars is the ruler of many things. Among them are willpower and determination. Mars is the planet of Action. It is a day of doing.

We don’t have to stop there. Mars has many associations. It is a fiery planet and therefore very forceful, powerful and also possibly dangerous. With fire something is born…but something must die away. To create the heat and the light of the fire one must burn something up to fuel it. Sacrifices must be made. It is a power of both creation and destruction. Fire is also a fuel. It is what makes us go. It gives us the drive and determination. (Didn’t we see that word already?) In many ways Fire energy is akin to the Kundalini of our Spirit. It is raw, burning, natural. It breathes and seems to live. It is a beast of it’s own and only those who are skilled can wile it to their bidding.

Mars is also associated with the color Red. This is a strong color, very bold. It is the color of things like Fire and Passion and even Lust. It is the first color in the spectrum of light that we can see. It is also the color associated with the Root Chakra – the home of The Kundalini.

The Kundalini is us as pure and raw and real as we can be. It is what gives us our desires and hopes and dreams…and even fears. The Kundalini is that part of us that is always reaching out. It is what gives us the vision of our future and provides us the talents with which we are blessed. The Kundalini is that “little voice inside” always talking and gauging and guiding us into our lives.

Mars is the ruling planet of both Aires and Scorpio – The Ram and The Scorpion.

With both we find much determination and drive. The passion and the ability to get things done. Scorpio involves itself in beginnings and endings…and the resolution of such. Both do not fear action – take the bull by the horns…or the Ram, as it were.

Aires is the 1st sign of the Zodiac. It is The Beginning where all journeys must start. The first step in anything.

Scorpio is the 8th sign associating it with infinity, the power of flow, and divinity.

Interestingly enough, Pluto is also an assigned ruler of this sign. Pluto takes us to the Underworld, that place where dark and light become one and we must face all  of ourselves to succeed and be. It is the swamp to young Skywalker. The Underworld is the Shaman’s Journey, revealing al truths and possibilities and leaving us only with the choices we make.

So this day really is no shit. We have some serious heavy hitters on the field. This day is about “getting’ her done.” Make it happen. make it so. So Mote It Be.

But it’s more than that. We’re really looking at the core of my being. This day is about me listening to that “little voice”, seeing the future as it could be and then assembling the pieces to make it so.

This day is about me owning me for who I am and honouring it by be-ing it.

But there is warning everywhere. Things must be given up, or go by the way side. Choices must be made and sacrifices will inevitably be the result.

Do not go too strong. Keep everything in check. Tend the fire properly. Let it go and it could consume you and everything around.

But I can go one step deeper at this moment. There is one player yet introduced. (And these are my favorite players for they are the beginning of all things.)

We have not looked at the angel who presides over this day – Camael.

Camael is “He Who Sees God.” (The translations are always important.)

Camael is one of the angels who stands in the presence of God, Chief of the Order of Powers and is said to represent “Divine Justice.” He has been associated with war and is said to be in charge of 12,000 angels of destruction. He is the angel that wrestled with Jacob and appeared in Gethsemane to stregthen The Christed One Jesus the Nazarene. [Rf. A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson.]

Just for fun, though, let’s pursue one more twist in this cavern as it has presented itself to us. (Scorpio is a very curious creature.)

Camael, when invoked is said to appear as a leopard crouched on a rock.

So let us see just what this Totem holds in store for us. In Ted Andrews Animal Speak Leopard is associated with Panther and falls under that description.

KEYNOTE: Reclaiming One’s Own True Power

CYCLE OF POWER: Dark of the Moon – New Moon – Winter

keywords: aggressiveness and power; region – Africa, Asia Minor, China and India; 500 muscles that can use at will – the ability to do a variety of tasks as willed; solitary; greatest power in silence as goals are pursued; learn to pace yourself; trust inner visions; associations with Zeus and Jesus and Bacchus/Dionysus;

Wow, I could go on and on. I find this all very fascinating considering where I am of late.

So, things have been very intense lately. I feel like I describe my life like that very often. So much going on and swirling around and mucho activity. It’s all been very good but I have not had the time or ability to get myself grounded and rooted for some time…and I have been feeling it and seeing the consequences.

Today, I find myself wrestling with the demon once more. I struggle with that very letting go and burning things up. I am stuck between letting go and moving on.

There is definitely a call for action on the work end of things. Again,a lot has surfaced over the past few weeks and I need to make sense of it and make my moves accordingly.

I am currently recovering from what was pretty much 2+ weeks on he road. I did have some “weekends” but they were brief and swift, with barely enough time to get ready to again let alone recharge from what had just happened.

So now I am trying to put together my day and my next several days. At this point I have but one task that I choose to be accomplished today. it will take a bot of time and doing but it will also get done. As long as it is done, it could lead to some other opportunity.

From there, I may have something to attend this evening. Not only am I unsure if I do, but I am uncertain that I will still have the energy and drive to do so.

And so now I will take my leave.

But…before I do (and just for fun)…

I began this writing during the thrid Magickal hour of the day, today ruled by Venus. Venus is associated with #7, love, passion, joy, beauty



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