‘The Vision’ Quest–Intro?


Thursday, February 13, 2014

1655 (12th Hour – fascinating)

So today has been fairly mild so far. But, I sort of expected as much. The real fun never begins until the sun has gone down.

It was really just a day like any other day. Woke up, did stuff, hung out, eventually had breakfast. Ran some errands, chilled out.

Then I was off to visit my cousin while I was in his area. This was nice. It’s always nice to see him. The kid has had a lot of troubles over the years, but they are behind him now. He never lost his strength through any of it and it shows through today. I’m very proud for him. Truth is, he’s actually living my dream. Well, one of them anyway. But, it just was never to be for me. So, I am glad it could be him. I can think of no one more deserving. I will not deny that at times it is sort of a sting, but then it subsides and I merely find joy in his success.

The visit with him changed the game for tonight a little bit. I sort of anticipated this as well. He pointed me in a direction for my adventuring. I was certain he would point me in that direction but I didn’t give it much thought. I had settled into adventuring the way it seemed to be unfolding. But, his counsel pushed me back to the original concept. (Plus maybe a lil added bonus.)

Tonight it is time to test ‘The Vision.’

I am torn on this. I don’t want to put too much stock in the adventure or what it may bring because I do not want to walk away disappointed. Yet, if I do not hold on to the vision, if I do not envision it some more it can never possibly come to be.

My game plan has actually just changed. I thought I was adventuring with my co-worker but he is backing out on me. This has it’s advantages and disadvantages. It’s pros and its cons, as does anything. In a way it makes me want to stay right where I am and just kind of groove on the things I have been working on in my down time. It also opens up greater possibilities for the “added” adventure of later. There is always time tomorrow to go and do what I wanted to do tonight.

This is something I have been working with throughout this entire experience. Balancing the excitement with the timing. I truly believe that something is to change this week – change a lot. I’ve learned over the years that this could really mean anything. It could mean something I haven’t even looked at or contemplated. Yet, that very vibe, blends into “The Vision.’

So, I am trying to move through this and let myself be guided without limiting the possibilities or over extending them. I am trying to accept what can be and not expect what it should be. Yet, if I ever want anything in my life then there must be expectation.

Let us just see….


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