The Temple Turn-Around


Friday, February 7, 2014 (7 Day…I like it)

0956 (4th hour – Saturn…hmmm)

Cold, but sunny.

Feeling good all over – Physical, Spiritual, Emotional & Mental. A lil high-strung and hyperactive. I figure that will find it’s place. Haven’t really eaten much in the last 24 hours. Not quite very hungry but also can’t find anything to satisfy the urge. (Maybe I’m turning into a flesh-eating zombie lmao.)

It’s been an interesting few days. 1st Observation – it is very challenging to stay on track with my daily things when the Princesses are here. I put so much focus and energy into them all day long until bedtime…and then I’m usually ready for bed as well.

The Princesses and I had some bonus time this week. They came Tuesday night for dinner and on the way home I had commented that the roads were still pretty bad and if I had trouble getting them home that their mother would have to come get them or they would be spending the night. Well, when we got home, Sunshine decided to call Mama and ask if they could just spend the night. One night turned to two. They stayed all day Wednesday and then yesterday morning I dropped them off with Mama on my way into Reading to take care of business.

We had a good time, but then, we always do. Cuddlebug asked about my daily regimen and whether I could teach her. I have thought about letting her watch a session, but the energies are quite intense (not to mention it can be a long process) and I don’t know if she is quite ready for it.

Before I write of the events of the past few days I want to mention that suddenly things are very different. Whereas last week I was struggling to get through the week, now things seem to be flowing. Last week at this time I was very out of sorts. There was still much to be done around here and I just couldn’t seem to get on the ball. I was scrounging for money to eat and get gas and get through my week. A lot of these energies and patterns continued through the past couple of days. Today I find myself caught up. I have money in my pocket and in accounts, with more to come. Work is still sort of iffy at the moment but I am going into a 2 week period when there will be plenty…and I’m actually looking forward to it now. Well, except for the flying. I really have no need for flying lol.

So, Tuesday I visited the Pillar. Of course, the Shaman eventually appeared, though I think I called him this time. This was a much needed visit. There’s something about the Pillar that just seems to put my head straight and my spirit at ease. He is my inspiration. That is what I have always wished to e for people – a place to escape. When the Shaman appeared he made mention that, “March will be a good month.”

We shall see. I always have to give my year until the Equinox before I can truly gauge where things are and how they are unfolding, what kind of help they need. You know, now that I think about it I actually do accomplish quite a bit each year when you consider the time frame of actual productivity I am allotted. I mean, things don’t really kick into action until about March 21 and by October 31 I am seeing them start to wane. Things still happen in the other 4 months but its not what that time frame is.

Last night I returned to ‘The Temple.’ It was not quite the experience I had hoped or planned but it was something. I change at ‘The Temple.’ I like who I become. I like the power it seems to bestow on me.

In fact, I need to return tonight. Part of this is because things did not go as planned last night and they must be taken care of tonight. Another part is just simply that it was set up that way. I was tricked and trapped by T.O.T.S. in to returning once more. I am interested in seeing how that all unfolds – tonight and moving into the future.

I made demands of The Universe yesterday. I won’t say specifically what they were. I don’t like to dissipate energy. It could be some time before I see the results of those demands…or it could happen in the blink of an eye. Only time will tell and only T.O.T.S. knows.

I think that is all for now. I want to drift through my day and make sure I am at Livable Conditions before it is time to venture out this evening.


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