The Day After


Saturday, February 8, 2014 (8 Day…yea that’s what I said.)

0846 (2nd Hour…interesting.)

Waxing Moon in Gemini (I missed Taurus somewhere)

Feeling very pumped. Slight headache (but that’s to be expected.) Pumped but peaceful. Kind of introspective.

I must point out, first, that I find the hour interesting because it is under the same influence as an hour later in the day when I must do something in particular.

Eh, I’m not too sure how much I have to write this morning. I spewed most of it in the middle of the night. I feel good. I feel “right” this morning.

I returned to ‘The Temple’ last night as was “dictated.” Once again, things were a very different experience than what I went in expecting but nothing was disappointing. Many things came of my trip to ‘The Temple’ this time. I’m just curious to see how things develop from here. There is no doubt in my mind that ‘The Temple’ is where I must spend some time over the next couple of months. I just have to keep it balanced and in check. But I cannot, at this time, fathom where it could truly be leading. So…I’m curious.

This trip has also left me with the need to have to adjust my plans for the next week. My circumstances are very different.

Or, is it leaving me in a position to ‘Practice what I Preach?’ Do I take the official stand, and “throw caution to the wind” as it were, and live the Principle – Do Not Worry About Tomorrow for Tomorrow Shall Take Care of Itself.

If these trips to ‘The Temple’ this past week were truly under the Divine influence that I am certain they were, then this statement should go without question.

T.O.T.S put me there, T.O.T.S will manage the “needs.” What went out should naturally come back. This is also a very metaphysical thing as well. If you do not create flow there cannot be flow. You must open the valve every once in a while and let things run. Then, and only then, can the well fill again.

It’s true right? The well can only hold so much water in the first place. If you want to always have water you can go about it one of two ways. You could never use water. Then it won’t go away. But then, things would not get done. Things would not get cleaned or cooked or any number of other things. Not to mention the water will turn stagnant.

Or, you can open the valve from time to time, take care of what is needed, when it is needed and know the well will refill on the next rainfall.


That may e a good place to end things today. Head is actually a little more scattered than I thought.  Also, I noticed I haven’t done a reading in a while so I think I am going to go get my cards and do that.

I did think of something else. Mayhaps even 2 something elses.

I have made statements to the Universe at large recently. Demands of change, if you will. Today was the day of expectancy. This is when I initially saw potential for these ‘Demands’ to be met. I am still going to follow through on this…buuuut….last night a vision was reinterpreted. It is a vision from about 2 months ago. At the time it took me a day or two to make some sense of it but I did. I put the pieces together as best I could and drew a conclusion. I went from there.

However, last night it changed. Deeper and different meanings became attached to the imagery. Or, were they merely unveiled? Associations I would have never made initially. Yet, last night they were clear as day. I don’t know what it means, but I know the time frame, and circumstances, it points to which is this coming Tuesday.

Perhaps today and then have nothing to do with one another. Perhaps they are more intricately entwined than I can fathom. I just want to make note of it all.

(Incidentally, and officially, the above is the perfect demonstration as to why I do not think Revelations should be counted as a valid book of the Bible!!)

So…what do I need to know for the day?

You know what…I can’t even get into all of the symbolism and meaning of this card at the moment. I mean it’s in my head…I get it. But I don’t know that I have the words to put it across. So all I will say is The Hermit.


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