‘The Vision’ Quest–Ch. 1


I am very unclear at the moment. I see all the pieces but I do not know how to put them together. It’s one of those times when perhaps I should let them fall into place as they will.

Here are the things on the plate at the moment -

‘The Vision’ itself


The Strip

A show?

I’m not sure as of yet what I am going to do. Truthfully, at the moment, there is a part of me that just wants to stay right where I am and just chillax. No matter what tomorrow is going to be a sort of crazy and stressful day.

We need to check out in the morning. Then we need to find someplace else to stay until Saturday morning. Eventually, tomorrow becomes nothing more than getting ready to fly out on Saturday. We will have to be to the airport by 6…no later than 6:30 AM. That means tomorrow night must become a time of rest.

3 of the things above I believe I must see through before the close of tomorrow. 2 without doubt. It is just a matter of how they play out. I am waiting to hear from co-worker to see what he is feeling and interested in tonight/tomorrow.

No matter what I think I am going to go get dinner and a couple of drinks somewhere. Perhaps I will wander The Strip a bit tonight.

The energies here are very intense and the process of cleansing and clearing and charging is almost draining enough in and of itself. It always leaves me so mellow that I do not want to move. Of course, being up at 5:30 this morning doesn’t help.

All I can do is what I always do – let it flow. Let it all be what it will be. I will not lie I could fall asleep right now. But I think I should at least try to eat something.

Let us just see….


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