Picking Up Where I Left Off


Tuesday, February 4, 2012 (11 Day – Again)

0946 (4th Hour)

Waxing Crescent Moon in Aires; Mercury in Pisces

Feeling pretty good today on all levels. I’m a lil hyperactive but that is to be expected after the past several days. Head seems pretty clear. Body feels good.

I have to admit that I have been very lax in my routine over the past several days. With the exception of The Sunday Post, I haven’t done any journaling since Thursday or Friday last week. I have not done my exercises in about the same amount of time. I have, however, maintained my daily devotions.

I’m not so upset about the daily routine. I probably could have used the break. I’m not sure if my “laziness” was caused by recovering from last week, an active weekend with the Princesses, the power of Imbolc, or just a combination of all. In fact, yesterday’s snow storm could have had something to do with it as well.

I just wasn’t up to par yesterday at all. I stayed up till 3AM on Sunday, got a few hours of sleep and then wrestled with the snow covered driveway. That kind of wore me out after not having a lot of sleep. So…I slept only to wake up and have to do it all over again.

Today I have a job scheduled which I am reluctantly getting ready for. I also want to hit the recycling center to drop off metal and get some cash. Then tonight is dinner with the Princesses.

Tomorrow is another storm. This one could mess me up. I have a paycheck to pick up in Reading tomorrow afternoon. I really need to pick up the check though I suppose it could wait until Thursday if needed. I also have a personal errand I would like to run tomorrow evening. Something else that could wait if needed. I just don’t want it to.

I think that’s everything for now. I’m feeling good and change is on the horizon. So let us see what happens next.



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