What Happens Here….Will Stay Here (Sort of)


Wednesday, February 12, 2014 (3 day – intriguing)

2239 (5th Dark Hour)

Gibbous Moon

Feeling good. A little tired.

So this day certainly did not end as originally planned. I am not, in any way, surprised. I think I may have seen it coming.

Due to the snow predicted to fall over PA today, all flights into Philadelphia were cancelled. This leaves me stuck in Las Vegas. I know – much worse places I could be stuck. I ‘m not complaining and I don’t mind really other than this hinders time with the Princesses. Unless of course I can convince Mama to let them make it up. (We’ll see how that goes. )

I’m curious and intrigued. At this point, we are stuck here until Saturday morning. This, of course, can change at any moment. (Currently, I am anticipating flying out of here on Friday afternoon.) But we don’t know yet where the next destination will be, we only know it won’t be home.

The next two week could be very interesting. In particular, the next three days. I wish I could put words to the feeling. Something is definitely happening. The Universe is up to its old tricks once more.

That is all for now.


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