Another Day
Monday, May 12, 2014 (6 day…blah to 6)
0908 (3rd Hour)
Gibbous Moon in Libra; Sun in Taurus; Mercury in Gemini; Venus & Uranus in Aries; Jupiter in Cancer; Saturn in Scorpio; Neptune & Chiron in Pisces; Pluto in Capricorn
Sunny and warm
Feeling Peaceful and rested. Kind of focused. Body is out of whack though. A lil stomach something going on. (Processing and digestion)
So here we are – another day.
For being so early it has been a good day so far. I managed to tweak the garden to the point I needed and cleaned up some of the debris. (Now I need to lay rocks and actually get something planted.) I organized stuff for the scrap yard, took care of some work business and somehow even managed to score a new blade for my Miter Box.
I don’t actually have much to say this morning considering I just wrote last night, but I am trying to get back into that groove. The daily journal really does help keep the mind and spirit clear.
I have some more things to take care of later today. I’m just not sure how the day goes between now and then.
Let’s see what the day holds.
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