“Come with me and you’ll be…”

Hey Gang!

Welcome to my life…

Where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within…

The Depths of Geistopiaaaaaaaaaa

Velcum to my Life ees a prochect, un experiment een Life unt ART, A liwing storyboard, if you vill. Eet’s premise ees zat you can, and do, experience za life you choose. Eet ees based on za Veel of Life unt za ARTs for za New Millennium as life building tools. Ya. Eet’s true.

Welcome to my Life is an ITV Studios/Geist…House production. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft times unknowing, inspiration and support:

Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine

Craze & Co.

The Shaman

The Pillar

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan


Mudslide Bill

The VanMan (may he R.I.P.)

Osteen, the Son


‘The Brain’

Jojo Dancer

Senior Swankypants

The Socialite

The Nameless One

The Ziatonic Antagonist


Prof. Siggy Chong


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Mama Rabbit

And, of course, a very generous sponsor who pretends to want to be anonymous.

(There are a few of you I just don’t have nicknames for as of yet. Soon. Very soon.)

(*Semi-Legal mumbo-jumbo jargon fine print – my thoughts, my words. Bug off if you think you theivin’ them.*)

It is Wednesday, May 28, 2014. Time….Bonused.

A 22 Day (Never Break down the master numbers. Number of the Apostle.)

9 minutes into the 1st Dark Hour

[phone call from Sunshine…]

Lots of interesting distractions/interruptions. Continuing on…

There is interesting energy afoot. I am writing preemptively of Sunday. I must. I must because I must travel to the Spirit world for a spell. (Oh, pun not intended, but so well placed. LMAO)

Anyway, let me quick finish documenting the incidentals:

New Moon, Sun & Mercury in Gemini

Venus, Uranus in Aries

Mars in Libra

Jupiter in Cancer

“…Jupiter and Saturn…..Neptune, Titan….”

Saturn [R] in Scorpio

Neptune in Pisces

Pluto [R] in Capricorn

Listening to Pink Floyd (The Album….well…AND the band, obviously.)

--Astronomy Domine

Anyway, I suppose I saw it coming. Or, felt it. I just should have known. The more I look back, the more glaringly obvious it was.

I must spend the next three days in the Spirit World – in this world, but not of it. (Or is that of this world, but not in it.)

In either case it is time to quest.

I realized this earlier this evening as I was stuck for a very, very….very loong time on the highway. Traffic was blocked on both major interchanges at rush hour today. At one point I had looked up, knowing I had been on the road forever moving at a snail’s pace, and still found myself astonished at just how short of a distance I had really traveled.

But, this block, this stall, served great purpose.

Like, I just burst…and in a good way.

--Matilda Mother

“Across the stream with wooden shoes, bells to tell the king the news…”

Suddenly the stress and cloudiness was gone and I felt very open and clear…and loving, and forgiving and accepting and understanding and so much more.

Everything was clear.

Including the fact that I should have caught wise when Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit appeared. I thought they had come just to say hello. Little did I suspect they were heralding me down the hole. But, of course, it made perfect sense. So, I agreed to go.

And that is where you find me now. Prepped and ready to dive. Things came together in a very particular order and way. It is my wish to capture it and record it the best I can (as well as what follows) and by the end we should have the ingredients for quite the spot of Magick.

--Pow R. Toc H.

Before I spin the rest of this web let me break away for a moment and ‘light the way’ for my latest guests.

2108 (end of 1st Dark Hour)

2114 – Just finished the Qabbalistic Cross. Wow. Very intense and vibrant beginning. My being shot into the Universe beyond. Had light Altar candle (Pine) and burned some sage over myself prior.

The altar itself is facing SE. I could not quite determine a direction but that is how it had landed so that is where it stayed. Still working towards the E as usual though. (This applies to Ritual. Practice tends to be in the S and I still have no word for what lies in the W.)

Preparing for LBRP and LBH. Feeling kind of torn on how I wish to proceed

--Interstellar Overdrive.

--The Gnome

“…He wore a scarlet tunic. A blue-green hood. It looked quite good. He had a big adventure, amidst the grass. Fresh air at last…”

I do not know if I want to light the quarter candles first, at the end, or along the way. It has been quite sometime since I have actually worked before the Altar.

As I said it is facing SE. It is set to the Nines with Quarter candles, elemental tools – wand, athame, water, salt.

--Chapter 24

“A movement is accomplished in 6 stages and the 7th brings return….it forms when Darkness is increased by 1…Change returns success…action brings good fortune…”

I have my trinity candles and their cohorts. Even a Spectral-Scope of a sort.

And, of course, the Book of Books.

What I find interesting about all of this is that in the W a 2nd altar formed along the way. It is very telling in its own right.

It holds the larger version of the Altar tools – Stave, Sword, Disc. All but 1 of the elements are present.

--The Scarecrow (Mono; 2007-Remaster)

“his head did no thinking…”

AND…the tool that should be in the W has found its way to a hidden spot beneath, along with The Magick Box.

Whatever is going on….it is pretty big. So let us see what lies ahead.


{next on the musical portion of our Journey is a practice copy of a Cabaret I once thought I was going to put together. Let’s see what secrets it hides.}

1st song is Candyman

So…once I begin this next part, there is absolutely no turning back. The deal will be sealed, as it were. As long as I uphold my end of the covenant, life will forever be as perfect as it need be. But…should I falter, should I revert or slip or fall….it will all crumble around me.

2nd song is I Left My Heart in San Francisco

“…My love waits there in San Francisco…”

It did not take long to recognize The Descent.

3rd song is Lil Ol’ Wine Drinker

(Feeling compelled to sing along.)

Anyway…the drive home was soooooo The Tunnel.

Every Journey, every Quest, every spiritual adventure begins with a passage. – A journey into The Underworld.

4th Song is Easy Like Sunday Morning

“…Everybody wants me to be what they want me to be…”

I found myself very open, very content and calm and peaceful. I saw things laid out before me. My perception was broader. New approaches to old problems appeared.

I want to take a moment to see what kind of Pole has developed along the way here.

5th song is All For The Best

“…Temples are greying, teeth are decaying, creditors are weighing your purse…”

The first totem actually appeared last night. Of course, though I acknowledged it, I did not see it for what it was. I will try to recall the remaining order as best I can.

Elk – Do what must be done. Strength and stamina are key to your success. Do not give up. You don’t have to deal with tasks alone.

6th song is Song Sung Blue (this one was intended to e part of a sing-a-long portion of the show.)

Frog (by way of Tadpole) – Fertility. (Change is coming. Opportunities for new birth and abundance are at hand. Do not rush things now. Metamorphosis is coming.)

Rabbit – Look for fertile signs and use the lunar cycle. If unsure, wait. Answers will become clear in a month. Then movement is assured.

7th song is Love To Be A Hippy

Salamander – Psychic sensitivity is strong. Pay attention to changes felt. Assistance comes from unexpected sources. Cooperation is critical.

Snake (brought to you by Cobra…and the number II.) – Make swift decisions. Do not be distracted by others. Guard endeavors until ready to act. Then act swiftly.

8th song is Georgia

9th song is Me and My Shadow (Frank and Sammy version)

Raven – Things are shapeshifting around you. There is an awakening of magick. Give it new expression and life will change for the better.

Hawk* – Spirit vision and guardianship around you. Be patient and observe. You will see the opportunities. Signs are clear.

And, there you have the 7.

(Deep breath.)

Ok, I’m going to take a lil moment to myself and then see how we proceed from here.

10th song is 5 o’clock Somewhere (also part of the sing-a-long)

Margaritaville (s-a-l)

A Pirate Looks At Forty (This must have been the Jimmy Buffet portion of the show. )

“…in your belly you hold a treasure that few men have seen. Most of them dream…yes I am a pirate…I’m an over-forty victim of fate, arriving too late…”

#13 – Somewhere Over The Rainbow (not sung by me.)

2223 (Middle of 3rd Dark Hour.)

I am going to begin lighting alar candles. I feel compelled to start with the Divinity candle and burst outwards to the quarters

14th Song – Rainbow Connection (sung by me and Kermit [I so could have done it, too].)

“…what’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing…”

I find it odd that I am doing this PRIOR to the LBRP & BRH

“…Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices? I’ve heard them calling my name…”

{Just found something interesting in my shirt pocket. Placing it in The Magick Box.}

15th is Fire And Rain

Won’t you look down upon me Jesus. you gotta help me make a stand. Just gotta see me through another day…”

{Remember the vision of Jesus and Mary?}

{Poured The Blood of The Mother into the Well of The West.}

#16 – If I had A Million Dollars (Duet + s-a-l)

#17 – American Pie (s-a-l sung by Ch-eckhardt.)

Piano Man (s-a-l; Ch-eckhardt)

{Finally lighting 1st candle – 2236; Diamond Lighter; From The All to The Light to The Reflection to The Passion to The Spirit to The Whole.}

Incidentally, I would never recommend doing what I am doing right this moment. You should never call The Powers That Be without first calling The Watchers.

#18 – Just Breathe

“…Stay with me. Let’s just breathe…Yeah I don’t wanna hurt. There’s so much in this world to make me bleed…did I say that I love you…”

So, what else do I think is important to record before I take the final leap?

“…hold me till I die. Meet you on the other side.”

#19 - Luck Be A Lady

Anyway…other notes of interest:

*Prior to beginning I annointed myself with Fire of Passion (Patchouli based)

#20 – That’s Life (Blue eyes portion of the program?

*I am very intrigued by the altar in the W, and the fact that it is being guarded by the Imp King of the North.

*I have not weilded the sword in a very long time. Whatever’s coming is big. (It could be a rough night.)

*The staff in the W tonight is The Staff of Oz.

--Mr. Bojangles (intended as a tribute to the greatest entertainer I have ever known, Crazy Elmer.)

*Needless to say there is activity in the Root Chakra as well as ‘The Secret Chakra.’ Curiously, The Secret Chakra is the root of my problem {in the root chakra}.)

“…Mr. Bojangles, come back and dance, dance, dance…please dance…”

*{Something’s veen creeping about the workshop for about an hour now.}

*I have “boarded” myself up in the sorkshop, obviously prepared for very serious work. I have even donned my robes once more.

--Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show

*I think I need to take pictures of this set-up (I do not know if I will share them.)

--I Gotta Be Me (Final Song, #24 {2-12s})

*I think I am going to extinguish the candles and begin again. Curious.

--That’s Entertainment (Sammy Davis Jr. version; Encore.)

*I am becoming more and more anxious and restless. I know I must get this show on the road, but I just want to make sure all bases have been covered. There is no turning back. This is the kind of moment when I will find myself awaking one day and wondering just how I got there. In a link of an eye – the eternal dream.

*I want to point out that there are, indeed, other candles which have taken their place around the space. They are five places. 4 & 1. But 6 in total, The N wearing a dual mask.

*2307 (into the 4th Dark Hour…or is it 5th by now?) The hour has passed. But still I must add The Flesh of The Father to The Well of the W. {Just a pinch, of course.}

*Noticed that the altar of the W also has three stones – Eye Agate, Amethyst & Lapis (The All, The Light, and The Dark – respectively.) Also just realized there is a motif of mirrors in the W. (Things may read from right to Left and Objects may be closer than they appear. See The Self and Be The Self.)

*The above is Key. This is the place I have come to. Here, on ‘The Other Side’ of it all, I have come to know me. I know Who I Am. I know Why I Am. Now it is time to be How I Am. {I Am That I Am.}

Here is what I know(and also what I don’t):

-For the next 3 days I will be on Auto-Pilot. I am going to coast through them as they are. All that needs to get done will be done. On the 4th day, the 1st of the 6th Month, I will rest. It will be a ‘Day In Between.” For, on the 5th day, or so they say, I will begin a different run. A journey south (and homeward bound.) Then begins the turn-around.

-2 days home and Adventure galore. A twist of fate will open the door.

-2 more out then back for trouble. Better start the game (on the double.)

-A Void will appear between these 2 twos. Three days to explore and nothing to lose.

-Some dancing, a dinner, a breakfast for 3. A day all in honor of lil ol’ me.

-Then 5 days with nothing in sight (to make it this far may take all of my might.)

-To wonder and wonder, and plunder and ponder; 10 days we set sail. The treasures hide yonder.

-At the end 1 day, an extra it seems. Perhaps this is when I awake from these dreams.

-It was prophesied that I would find my “final” success in July. I remember thinking how far that seemed. Yet, here we are in that ‘Blink of an Eye.’

-I am fairly certain that that is indeed the course that has been laid out for me over these next (get this…) 33 days. {The Number of The Messiah.} however, I do not know that that is how they play out. (The Universe….she’s a fickle mistress. She likes to lay before you what you think you want, so she can lead you to what she knows you need. (Sometimes that is hard to accept…especially when it’s happening.)

--I have absolutely no clue what July, or beyond holds. I believe it all to be good. But, remember, “Every act of magick comes with a price…dearie,” so sayeth The Dark One.

--Whatever is happening, it is The Change of Changes. There is absolutely no doubt to this based on the previous evidence. This is the ultimate – Death Supreme. And, “To die would be an excellent adventure, “ so sayeth The Pan (Peter, of Course.)

--It is 2333 (11:13) time to add The Child of The Womb. (Took a pinch for myself. Delicious…and so good for cleansing the body.)

--I think it is fair to say that these….Outer Candles…were most definitely The Watchers and I have been working under their care the entire time. It is soon time to complete this and break the circle. (Though who knows exactly how long the circle will still last.)

--From here, I will post this and then disappear. I will be in touch so do not fear. Just a day to dance and play, and wile all the hours away. Sometime after I have had my visit with the Princesses and we have taken care of Royal business, then you will hear from me. Until then…I make no promises.

--By Friday, I should be back in action full-throttle. Takin’ care of business, as it were.

--And then….We’re Off…..

--2342 Lighting sage and then adding Red Sandalwood.

And, now, I would like to leave you with this passage from The Handbook of the Messiahs (or my version of it anyway):

“Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstance.” ( Brian Adams, How to Succeed.)

And beside it in the subtext:

“You are given the gift of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self, except those you believe in.” (Jane Roberts, The Nature of Personal Reality.)

And, to my friends whom I tagged on FB (however I managed to do that):

“My dear guests…welcome to Fantasy Island. “

No Reason

“This Is My Quest…(No Matter How Hopeless)”

Observe, Listen, Learn


Feedback has always been my favorite part of WTML, and also, the one I get to play with the least. I have long said that this is actually the most vital part of the project and have strongly encouraged folks to leave comments, questions and the like.

From here in Geistopia, for now and for always, I am your beloved Rev. wishing you…




and Freakishness.


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