Blessed Day
Friday, May 16, 2014 (1 Day)
1016 (4th Hour)
Last night’s ‘Journey’ was simply amazing. I must make more time for moments just like that.
So, here we are, in today. For me, the day is half over (even though I just woke up 2 hours ago.)
That was very late for me to wake up. I assume after last night I needed it. But on a typical day, things are fairly solidified by this time. So, I wonder what it is about today. Will something happen? What will it be? How will I feel on the flip side of it all? Am I just imagining the message? For all of the ‘tomorrows’ I have been ‘promised,’ none of them have ever been huge. Things happen on most of them I suppose. But there is never a major shift.
As for the day itself all seems fairly normal. The day is moving along. I am taking care of business – slowly, but surely.
I feel incredible however. I am feeling alive and vibrant and energized. I am feeling very at peace and at one with everything. (All that is, was and ever shall be.)
Who knows what the day will hold. For now it is set as it will go. I have about 4 1/2 hours until I need to be somewhere. Until then I will just get things done.
Let us see what this day will hold.
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