

Friday, May 16, 2014


Just about time for the noon devotion. Everything seems in place. Plans are made, checks are written. The goals and commitments for the weekend and the week that follows are seemingly solidified.

So now I will do what I do, I suppose.

I will take a breath and a moment and then I will set off into the future, moving comfortably and confidently…knowing that I most definitely can make it until the end of Memorial Weekend. (And that’s a great deal more than today.)

So I can take off the thinking cap (and gown) and once again become The Fool, doping and dancing along merrily completely oblivious to The World of Realities about him.

I can move freely twixt then and now (and now and then.)

Ok. It’s time. (A lil late.)

Lit the Altar Candles. May include daily exercises…most certain I will.

Is this ‘The Moment’? (“Is this the day?”)




That was fun. Definitely feelin’ it.

Not sure what I am doing next. I have about 3 hours until I have to be anywhere. (And that very well could change before that time.)

I’m feeling set and ready. I believe that no matter which direction things flow from here I can handle the next week+. (I do expect some surprises.)

I think I am going to just continue to record the day like this, as it happens. This way I have one longer chronological post to follow as opposed to several posts in reverse order.

So let us see what this day is. Right this minute I am feeling very akin to last night. In fact, I may put out the candles, brave the rain and head to the workshop for a repeat performance. (As long as I’m ‘back’ in time to go.)




I’m back.

Yup. That was pretty much as intensive as last night. I don’t know who this little Beastie is, but I like him. He’s fun.

It took me a little while to get settled in out at the workshop. I even requested a music choice on Facebook. It didn’t work out quite as I had hoped, but it eventually got me where I was going.

The Zenitation itself was pretty intense.

It started with a lot of visuals of people that I know. I feel like I said the same thing last night. Only this time they seemed to not just flash by but to stay connected. This continued for I don’t know how long. Person after person, moment after moment, face after face they just kept flashing and flowing past me. All connected.

Then it went deeper and I was flashing and holding on to people I have met randomly and sporadically.

Amidst all of this commotion somewhere I heard the words “You are all connected. Everyone one you ever meet. You leave an impression on them and they on you. You are captured, remembered, recorded.

What you say, what you do, how it all goes down will find its place, deep within and there it will stay for all eternity. Slowly, in it’s own way, formulating even just the slightest bit of your existence.

The images and memories may fade away over some amount of time or another. But, the impact…she stays eternal.”

And the images became faster and more diverse – reaching deeper into me and pulling more and more faces of all I have ever known…and then…all they had ever known. Before I knew it I felt as though I was connected to the whole of the world. Much like the mythological Tree of Life with its roots spread deep and far and wide across the Earth.

Once again, as so many times before I would fill with thoughts of blessings and love – all of the splendor that the whole of my life has been – and then, just as quickly, fill with terrored thoughts of all that I have done wrong – all of the mistakes and misgivings, the fears and the egos.

I filled with hurt and regret and remorse at all that I had done, all that I had lost or missed out on.

Again, as they did last night, the walls around me broke away and the heavens parted once more. It was the same as before, brilliant and vibrant – a powerful force of All. The voice spoke once more.

“It is not what is past that is truly important. The past is merely a story on which we have built our present. It does not define who we are, it merely explains who we were. There will forever be mistakes and misgivings – moments of imperfection.

Forgive yourself and you shall be forgiven.

Do not carry the past with you, but in 1,001 tales around a fire. We need not the past. We need not its pain nor its glory. We need not the disappointments and achievements. We need only the richness of experience that they brought – the lessons, the blessings.

Forgive yourself and you shall be forgiven.

You are not that person. You were that person – only for a moment. And, a moment is but a fleeting speck of time.

Look to the future and devote yourself to right thought, right word and right action. Strive to live fully and freely. Achieve peace and live wholly…and be a part of the whole.”

And then, no lie, I hear in my head The Beatles, “…All you need is love…”

Love is the answer. Love all.

Love all people. Love all moments. Love all experiences and opportunities – even the obligatory ones.

Radiate Love.

Let love touch and inspire and motivate and heal and encourage and support.

Let the Love shine.

I have about 30 minutes until I need to move on my day.

Stop at work.

PU the Princesses.

Stop for any needed groceries.

Home for family meeting.

Drift away into my weekend which melts into my week and then blends into my weekend.

More to come on this day of days.




Home from running. We are settled into our weekend now. There is no turning back. The sands of time shall fall where they will.

I have picked up my stuff for the work trip and all seems a go. There is a new “snag” on the horizon. This will be the third potential snag.

The first was money. I did not think I had the funds to do the trip. That was taken care of.

The second was ID. we need 2 forms of ID to get on the bases. I couldn’t find a second for a bit. Finally found my birth certificate.

Now they tell us hey need a copy of the original form we filled out and emailed. This was done months ago. I am not certain I that I have it. I will check when I am done here.

Ok…that was easily taken care of.


Saturday, May 17, 2014


By the time I got the Princesses settled in for bed I , myself, was ready to lay down. I’m kind of glad that I didn’t close this out and need to start fresh this morning. I probably wouldn’t write today…and I feel like it is a day for writing. (Recording.)

There are some interesting energies afoot in Geistopia. And, though, many of them seem in complete opposition, I can see how they all correlate. I’m not sure I want to get into it all right now because I am short on time.

I am not talking about things affecting (or is it effecting?) me. There are things across the board. Perhaps they are best tended to when I return next weekend.

It is soon time to go to dance class…then straightening up/packing/etc.…then family night.




It is almost time for ‘Family Night’ to begin. We have a nice dinner planned. Then it is a night of gaming – xbox and board games. Along the way I need to continue to make sure I am packed up and ready to go on this trip. Tomorrow will go y very quickly.

Morning time with the girls.

Eating and helping at the lodge breakfast.

Shipping them home/to dance pics

Packing up

Pick up truck

Head to Philly.

Somewhere in there I may have an hour to just chillax a bit before I go.

I’m not really feeling this trip. Like I’m not grooving with it. Maybe because I haven’t been on the road in a while and my life has been such a flurry of other activity. We shall see how things develop and settle when I return.

The summer is always different than the rest of the year.

I can feel the change but I don’t know exactly what it is yet.

Like I said there are things going on around Geistopia that could (long-term) be game changers. Only time will tell I suppose.

I still feel restless. It’s as if there is something about this upcoming week that is unresolved. I just can’t put my finger on it. I can see me leaving…but I don’t see me gone.

I’m good either way of course.

Yesterday, someone said, “think of the money,” and that is true. But I find I am beyond that thinking lately. Yes, money is nice and it is needed. However, money can always be made – here, there, in little bits or more. Money can always be made. Things can always get done.

Ask and it is given.

Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow shall worry about itself.

Who am I to decide the best bath to the money needed? Isn’t that what faith is all about?

So if one thing doesn’t work out, something else will.

Well…time to go. Catch ya when I catch ya.







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