Projected Video Posts

Here is the projected schedule for the upcoming video posts:

Monday, March 7 – Week 1, Day 1 (Jan 21, 2011)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 – Week 1, Day 2 (Jan 22, 2011)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 – Week 1, Day 3 (Jan 23, 2011)

Monday, March 14, 2011 – Week 1, Day 4(Jan 25, 2011)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 – Week 1, Day 5 (Jan 26, 2011)

Wednesday March 16, 2011 – Week 1, Day 6 (Jan 27, 2011)

Monday, March 21, 2011 – Week 2 (Jan 28-Feb 3, 2011)

Monday, March 28, 2011 – Week 3 (Feb 4-10, 2011)

A few notes on week 1 – When I started, or rather re-started this project, I did not have my video software available. But, it was time to begin again and I saw this as a chance to take a step back in time and do a “back to basics” series of videos.  Back in the day, way in the beginning of this project, I did not have digital video, nor did I have much editing capability. So I taped on VHS and made the most of it. Week 1 is not edited!! This is more of a warning than anything else. LOL. The videos contain information and are worth a watch, but they can also be a bit tedious and long. However, I feel experiencing the video “in the raw” if you will, will also give you a better appreciation for the videos that are edited together. And, it is meant to demonstrate growth and development. In a way, I suppose it is a fast-trak version of the growth and development I have experienced in doing this project.

Peace and Blessings


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