So weak

March 8, 2011

It’s been a very nice couple of days.  I apologize for not being able to check in. The weekend was busy with the girls. Sunday night took a turn I had not expected and last night I couldn’t wait to go to sleep.

All of this is good.

I’m still a little peeved about the whole video being muted thing but I suppose you’ll have this.

I wish I could write more. I’m just not feeling it the last few days. I sit down and try to take a whack at it, but it doesn’t flow the way I would like. I am sensing another shift coming up. I can’t imagine what it could be.

I am looking forward to lunch with my daughters tomorrow.

Wow…such a weak entry. Perhaps tomorrow I can get a better one. Speaking of tomorrow, I have decided that I am going to post this first set of videos every other day. So week 1 day 2 will come tomorrow and Day 3 on Friday. Days 5, 6, & 7 will come next Monday, Wednesday and Friday respectively. I suppose you’re wondering what happened to day 4. I don’t know. I had a video card disappear. I assume one day it will show up.

Peace and Blessings


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