Today, Tomorrow, Next Week

March 3, 2011

It was yet another good day. (I’m really liking this streak!) I think I almost got up at 5. I heard the alarm go off. I turned it off and laid there for a moment, just kind of chilling…and then it was 7:30. LOL. That’s ok though.

I got up and went about my day and by 10:30 I was ready to get to work. I hadn’t planned on leaving until 2, so I was way ahead of schedule. (Speaking of which, I need to get that entered into the system.) Incidentally, I was home by 1:30. I then set about editing video. I realized that I am in a bit better shape then I had thought. Week 2 is ready to be processed. Week three is close behind. Weeks 4 & 5 are in the clipping process. And week 4 doesn’t post for another 30 days. So over the next week I have two goals. One is to get done as much as I can on weeks 4, 5, & 6. The second is to start clipping week 7 day by day. Clipping is the longest, most tedious part of the process. So, I figure, if I can clip each day as it happens it won’t seem so bad. It’s one thing to look at one or two hours of video and go through it. It’s another thing all together when you sit down to nine hours. Yup…that’s what I said. 9 hours!! one of the weeks has nine hours of video that must come down to 47 minutes.

I received an interesting message today  - Develop a sense of urgency.

I thought that was well timed and a good reminder. I have A LOT to do. And, unfortunately, try as I might, there are still only so many hours in the day. I do feel more at ease knowing that I am where I’m at with the video editing for this project. And, looking ahead, I have a good amount of time to work with. In fact, I may shift priorities a bit over the next week or two. As it stands right now I have a full day on Monday again. Tuesday I think I am taking the girls to lunch and keeping the rest of the day free to work on whatever. Wednesday is my day to try to finish removing these branches (weather dependent of course.) Thursday is another Reading (pronounced red-ing, for those that don’t know the city) day for work. Friday I have quite a bit of work scheduled. However, I don’t have the girls next weekend. So I think Friday night is a me night. Then Saturday and Sunday I am going to try to work on some crafting for this event in April. I have two other things I must try to get in next week. A gentleman called me looking for assistance with rides. So I promised I would do what I could for him next week. (That will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday.) And, I have a client that would like me to do something for her. It is sort of time dictated and that is why I am going to Reading on Thursday. I may also try to do something extra with the girls on Tuesday. I just don’t know what yet. Any suggestions?

Tomorrow is a busy day. I have two jobs in Bethlehem. They could take me up to 7 hours to do. This isn’t a problem, except I have to pick the girls up tomorrow night. So, I need to try to get out and to work as early as possible (which is starting at the store by 7.) Then get the girls and off to Wal-Mart to get some fish tank supplies. We have a tank that we just have not had luck with so far. So…we are going to start over from the beginning. New filters, new rocks, possibly a new bubble blower. That is our big project for tomorrow night.

Also…TOMORROW IS THE DAY!!!! I get a decent pay tomorrow, with very little to pay out. I have a check out for Monday to pay for the April Event. But other than that, it’s all mine. (Not that there’s a lot of it, but it will get me through the week to the next pay.)

Well…that’s all the news that is the news, with Gary Gnu….

Peace and blessings


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