I would have thought that by this time in the night I would have been well on my way to Never-Never Wonderland; that alternate reality we know as sleep. It’s amazing how the body can be so tired, so drained, and yet the mind can race and the spirit can fly. It was a good day. It became a tad frustrating towards the end but all in all it was a very good day.

I left the house this morning at 6:30. I was off to do some work. (I really do love the sound of that.) I returned home a wee past 4:30. In between, I worked and took care of business and chilled and lived and, perhaps even for a moment, loved. I came home and wanted to do nothing except sit…and veg. Which, I did for many hours. Don’t get me wrong. I did quite a bit more as well – finished my paperwork for the day, returned some phone calls, planned my tomorrow, edited video, so on and so on.  Now, I am treating myself to a up of White Chai Tea. I feel accomplished today and am looking forward to moving forward from here.

I have an interesting day tomorrow. I have to drive to Reading for work. On paper, it looks like it could be a 9-9 1/2 hour day. But, as we learned today, it always looks different on paper. (In this case that’s a good thing.)


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