
March 13, 2011

What another splendid day! I managed to get a lot done today. I got some video processing finished. Laundry is done and put away. And, I am completely scheduled out and organized for my week. I even managed to get clothes together for each day.  The way I got it figured – the less I have to think each day, the better. So I am going to do one more quick check and make sure that I am ready for my week.

I do have a few manifestation issues I’d like to see resolved before the end of the week…but we shall see.

I’ve got a fairly steady week and a lot of driving to do so we shall see how all of that pans out.

I have a little bit more I’d like to accomplish today. This post is a part of that.

I like the way things are going. If I have calculated correctly, then when this week is over I will have earned my minimum monthly requirement. And I still have a week left plus 4 days plus tax money coming in.

There’s a chance that I will next week fairly light in order to catch up a bit on some video and miscellaneous work. I mean I still have a few gigs that week, but I may just leave it at a few gigs. Again, only time will tell. Though its always nice to get caught up and knock things off the to do list its a good opportunity to make some extra money and strive for the next highest goal on my tier system.

We shall see what the plan ends up being.

I think that is all for now.

Peace and Blessings


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