Another Day Down

March 1, 2011

I’m taking a short break from editing the upcoming videos. I still don’t know how exactly, or when, I plan on posting the first few. I originally intended on beginning the posting on March 21. I was going to start with week 1 which is actually a long series of videos. After week 1 I go back to the latest weekly format. However, I don’t think it will work well posting all of those videos together in one week. It’s a lot all at once. And, though it’s not necessary for anyone to watch all of them, it may be helpful. So, my next thought was to post them over two weeks. But then, that mean that the meat of the project won’t begin until the first week of April. Another thought was to do that but to start earlier, perhaps even next week. But then that pushes up my timeline for finishing the posts I am working on. We will see.

Overall it was a very good day.  I went to Reading and got some work done. Also, I was able to determine how much more work I can add to my schedule (based on today’s experience.) I feel confident that things will greatly improve moving forward.

I get all of my hard drive files back tomorrow. (deep sigh of relief.) This not only includes all of our pictures, and my music, but work that I need to complete as well.

Plans are moving forward for my Celestine Prophecy Study group, which I am very much looking forward to.

Tomorrow is a relaxed day. The computer guy is dropping everything of at 9. Then from 12-5 I need to work on removing these branches from the fallen tree. Other than that, the day is mine. And, Thursday is similar. I have four jobs scheduled and, again, based on today they shouldn’t take me more than 2 hours. Friday, however, could be a long involved day. I have several jobs in the morning and then I need to go get the girls. Then we are going to go shopping for fish supplies. We have this fish tank that I just can’t seem to get “flowing” right. So…we are going to start all over from scratch. We’re going to empty the tank, clean it good, put in new rocks and new filters and try again.

Friday is the day. Friday is when decent money should start coming in on a regular basis. Also, it’s the first time since I have been working that I will get a paycheck that isn’t sucked up by debt immediately. This means I have money to carry me through the week to the next paycheck, which allows me a lot more flexibility than what I have seen over the past few months.

I still wish I could find a way to date stamp these posts, without writing it out. (Am I lazy?)


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