Hot Damn!!

What an absolutely, wonderful, magical, fantabulous day! I FEEL GOOD!

My day started off a little rough. I woke up early enough but, despite my proclamations of getting things done, I found myself very lazy in the first part of the day. Perhaps that was because the later part of my day was going to be so action packed.

I took the girls to lunch today. It was a short adventure but a very nice one. I picked Nyssa up at home first and then the two of us went to Mak’s school to pick her up. I gave Makayla her stuff for “Pirate Day” at school on Friday. Then we headed down the street to get a lil Chinese buffet. The girl’s are just fascinated with the whole Chinese buffet experience. After lunch I took the girls home and headed home myself. And, I have gotten so much done since then.

I am caught up with everything. I am scheduled out and organized for the next two weeks.

I am at a place of peace.

It has been a very long time since I have been able to be this organized and prepared. Because of the jobs I am working lately I am able to look at my schedule and plan it about two weeks in advance. The I.C. work never allowed me to do that. Generally, that work is scheduled the same week. Sometimes, only a day or two in advance. Also, because of the current work, I am able to determine a rough estimate of my income each week (which is kinda new in and of itself). Doing this allows me to determine what I can spend each week.

So, I am all mapped and planned out for the next two weeks. I have my schedule and my routes planned. I have checks written and ready to go. I have caught up on all of my correspondences. What a fantastic feeling!

I spoke to the coordinator about this event on April 9. She said that she has mentioned my presence there as a Tarot Reader and has been getting a GREAT response.

I am waiting to hear if I will be making an appearance this Saturday night.

Things are going well and I anticipate them getting even better. AMEN

Peace and Blessings.


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