It’s No Wonder The World Is F*&^#n Nuts…We’re All Peeling Onions

March 22, 2011

Read Between the Lines

The Fine Print

Mine, yours, theirs

Left, right, Wrong

too much, too Little

You can’t, you must

Shoulds, Shouldn’ts

Coulds, couldn’ts

We’re all peeling onions. We’re scraping away at the layers and levels of life, looking to define it, secure it, defend it.

It’s no wonder the world is in the shape it is in.

If all of the regular people are arguing and debating and struggling with the finest points, how do we expect regular people to run the world. And, let’s face it, they are just regular people – regular people with incredibly irregular jobs.

This comes to light this week through my ex. I don’t want to get into a whole lot of details, but the argument was all about vacation time. We argued for two days over just how many days I could have our daughters. It was absurd. It got nasty. I even had to bust out the custody papers and read them to her. And, all over a two day difference. Two days. At one point I was so angry, so fired up, that I literally thought I might be having a heart attack. My chest got so tight. At several points, she said, “oh I didn’t think about that,” or, “I didn’t look at it like that.”


We’re so busy tearing away the layers, peeling the onions, looking for something to be a particular way that we rarely see what is right in front of us. I suppose you could say we miss the flavor of the onion. That’s how stupid fights get started. THAT is how wars begin. Always over a trifle.

how do we fix it? How do we change it? How do we get the world to the point that, instead of peeling away, we can hold the onion and cherish it, appreciate it, for what it is? And, it doesn’t help that we have so many voices out there telling us which layers to peel away and what to look for – leaving very few of us the ability to form a thought of our own. We have newscasters, political leaders, religious leaders, friends, family…sometimes even strangers.

How hard is it to just live…and love?

If we could manage those two things, world peace would be inevitable.


I know it has been quite some time since I have sat down and written a post. I apologize to those of you who enjoy the written posts (LisaLisa Monet.) But, life being what it is I have had a difficult time finding time to sit and write….or being in the mood when I have had the time. Did you ever notice that life interferes with living?

I can’t really say that because living has been part of the distraction. I had several busy weeks of work, plus trying to edit videos, and trying to straighten out the recovered HD information, spending time with my daughters, and I have had quite a bit of social activity.

Overall things are good. Still moving a bit slow for my taste, but if I stop peeling and just hold the onion I realize that it is all perfect.

I have a slow week this week, but I am enjoying it. It is allowing me a chance to get caught up and also start working on things that have been gnawing away at my to do list. Next week there is a bit more, but still a fairly easy week to navigate. After that it looks like things pick up again and get a lil hectic. I don’t mind. I enjoy it actually.

I think that is all I have to say for right now.

I’m very satisfied.


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