Revel - ation

Seriously? Could the days get any better?

I had another good day of work. It wasn’t quite what I had planned, but it worked out. It changes tomorrow quite a bit, but again, it all works out. (It All Works.) So, anyway, I had a good day of work only to come home and find a whole lot more work available to me. It’s not scheduled for a few more weeks, but I signed up for as much as I could. I like the roll that I am on right now.

So, I had my good day of work and tonight a friend called and offered to take me out for a few beers, which was an excellent time. Along the way, I realized that I have what I need to get through the week. That was an interesting process. When I stood here at Monday and looked all the way to Friday and all of the twists and turns in between it looked like a kind of long difficult time. But then, I broke it down.

First, I looked at tomorrow. I have what I need to get through tomorrow. The gas in my tank should do me fine, even with all of the driving I will do. I have my cigarettes (shame, shame) and I have enough money to get lunch, coffee, etc, along the way. Wednesday, I’m not going anywhere. Wednesday is a craft and paperwork day. So, I have what I need to get through Wednesday. Now, I may be broke by the end of Wednesday, but I have a cash gig lined up that would put $25 more dollars in my pocket. That should get me through Thursday, and might even allow me to go out Thursday night.

Come Friday, it’s a whole new world. I have a decent pay coming in and even after I pay my two big bills I have money left. Plenty of it (for me…for now.) By next Tuesday (at the latest) I should have my Fed tax refund and at some point I get a small one from the State. I always say that tax time is the one time of year I appreciate being poor :D. From there, with some management, it should be pretty smooth sailing.

I have a lot I want to do and to take care of in the month ahead. Between tax returns and paychecks I should be able to do it. (And, still have plenty to “play” with.)

In April and May, though, things will begin to change – for the better. This is when the spring/summer season begins – expos, craft fairs, vendor events, video work and DVD sales.

Another blessing that came my way tonight was the XBOX 360. This is something I have been tossing around for about two weeks now and there is plenty of my ramblings on the matter on video. Long and the short of it is  - I want one. But, I don’t want to spend all of my money on one. Well, my friend has one that he is selling. Its an older one, but it still does what I need it to do – Play games, XBOX Live/Netflix, and hook up to the Kinext (or however it is spelled.) I could buy his, the Kinext, and the game I want for the girls and still only spend about what I would for a new system, plus I would have one extra controller. Now his system isn’t a 250, but its not a 4 either. So, it seems pretty perfect.

I got my paperwork done before going out, as well as scheduling new work. I got through my videos for posting this week.

I feel pretty chill. I think it is soon bedtime. Sleep off my beer buzz a lil bit and then head out into tomorrow.

Peace and blessings


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