Another Day, Another Buck Fifty...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013; 0716

The title...yeah, that's pretty much how yesterday felt. I made more than $1.50, but at the end of the day it was just enough to cover the expenses of travel. I mean, I needed to get gas anyway and I would have driven it up doing any kind of work. So, I suppose I should feel blessed that I made enough to cover it and that it was paid in time to do so.

The day itself was an adventure. I had my starting point and from there it was all touch and go. I would bounce from spot to spot, mapping out each next stop as I went. I came upon many locations that would not, or in some cases could not, give me permission to complete the job. So, at many turns, it seemed I was getting nowhere. This is a part of the plan that I must rethink and re-work.

The frustration and dead ends had me starting to look deeper. My searching a found me more potential and possibility. How much of it I can tap along this trip I am not sure. I am anxious to see how the next two days unfold and develop. I may be forced to rethink my plans for next week, though I would prefer not.

I have been looking forward to getting 4+ years of crap straightened out. Each year I plan this and each year the mess only seems to get worse. The mess keeps me from functioning properly. day at a time I suppose.

The night found me staying at my grandmother's in Claymont and I had a slew of vivid and strange dreams - which I made many notes about.

There was more to my day, little moments of happiness much akin to the days of The Discovery Tour. I stopped in I e town, parking The Magic Bus on the street. Two kids were playing outside and were fascinated by the van. Needless to say they signed it as did parents and grandparents alike. At Wawa, one of the workers signed it.

It all got me to thinking about how I feel when I travel like this. It reminds me of who I am and what is really important. It got me thinking about 'my place in the world.' (I'll save the bible quotes for later.)

For now, dear brothers and sisters, I must be on my way to the adventure of today.


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